Hi,i am new to the forum
i believe i am in the autism spectrum disorder,i don't know exactly what but i know that i was born different,i discovered it 2 years ago but i don't know exactly what is my condition.I was always a bit antisocial,when i was in the first grade i was not talking to anyone except to my parents,not even to other relatives.I started talking at second grade when they promised to buy me a motorbike for kids.The thing is everything is a mystery to me and i am hurt because i don't know exactly what i have and i believe people are ignorant about my condition.I have encyclopedic knowledge on many subjects(many people are impressed with my knowledge on soccer)when i was a kid i had many interests that changed year by year.when i was 5 i was obsessed with dinosaurs,when i was 6 i was obsessed with astronomy,when i was 7 i was obsessed with cars,when i was 8 i was obsessed with computers and video games and so on.I am a perfectionist and i don't have casual interests,i only have hardcore interests in subjects.Everybody says i live in my world and i heard it many times.From teachers,from a busdriver,from my father etc....I remember before i went to army my father told to an army officer that i live in my world...I think i meet all the criteria in the autistic disorder(repitive behaviors,interests,some body movements....).The other this is that i may be in the borderline intellectual fuctioning level,iq from 80-85 at worst and people consider me retarted maybe because of ignorance(they don't know the difference between autism and mr) but most people call me crazy and not mr...But another proof except the above criterias is that i took an iq test in army and i ask why there would be a need to take an iq test if i am really mr(to see if i can drive a tank)???Maybe i will never learn