I've tried to explain this to friends at various times & they never believe me, becuz of how I look/dress and talk. Sex is one of my special interests, particularly sexual violence, deviancy, and sexuality in general. I find it fascinating. But sex in and of it self... I can take it or leave... most times I am completely ambivalent and go along becuz I know it is... expected of me, but sex is.... not arousing. I cant even think of actual intercourse as sex, it feels very remote. There is something far... "sexier" in a good kiss. I was thinking last night, that I go along with sex becuz it gives me the freedom to get what I really want, which is texture/sensory input. As a teen, there was a boy I would meet at lunch every day, we would never talk, but I would spend the entire time finger combing his hair. I love the way hair feels, all kinds lengths textures, but as an adult I know... there are... expectations if you play with someones hair. I like to rub my legs firmly against some one else, but the problem is the same.
I like a lot of the things that go along with relationships, hugging, kissing, companionship, but I get more (sexual) satisfaction from listening to music, dancing, looking at lights, tasting certain textures. I dont even know the words to explain this to NT people. Sometimes I get really mad after having sex & I cant even explain why, except that everything feels wrong....
Meh, today is a day for wierd thoughts. Does anyone else ever feel like this?