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09 Feb 2009, 3:30 pm

Ok so I've heard people on here speak of such a think as a prolonged meltdown rather than an angry outburst that comes and goes. I guess I am wondering about it because I seem to be going through something lately.

I normally am a very conscientious worker and I take pride in doing my work well and quickly, but lately I don't even care about my work and I let it sit and do it 'when I get to it' and spend most of my time goofing off.

I usually keep my house very clean and it drives me nuts if things are messy. I haven't done anything around the house in several weeks. I would normally never ever let guests see my house in it's current state even if it meant I had to get up early in the morning and clean it before work. But I'm pretty sure there will be people coming tonight and I could care less.

One of my favorite things to do is 'plan' and 'organize' so I love entering in new entries to my budget spreadsheet and going over my savings plan to see if it's on track and ect ect.. I don't want to do any of that anymore. I haven't even checked my bank account today :?

I've stopped going to my religious meetings that used to be very important to me. I've stopped doing almost everything and yet I still feel stressed.

Perhaps what I am experiencing is more of a depression than a meltdown. Any input?


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09 Feb 2009, 4:05 pm

When my wife was diagnosed with depression recently, all of the above symptoms were at play. She wasn't working as hard as she had been, she had stopped attending her religious meetings, she stopped cleaning, etc. But beyond that, she started sleeping a LOT. And I DO mean A LOT.


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09 Feb 2009, 4:12 pm

Nah I haven't been sleeping as much as I usually do. But I think that might be a sign too.
I've been depressed for sure before.. this doesn't feel quite the same :?
I'm cabable of being happy and having a good day .. I just don't give a flying f**k about any of my responsibilities.

I feel kind of like I died and no one told me.

If that makes any sense :lol:


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09 Feb 2009, 4:15 pm

Indifference could be a sign of a depressive disorder.

Then again, it could just be an ordinary "I've stopped giving a frack because nobody gives a frack about me" phase in your life.

Considering that you've recently asked for advice on divorce procedures, I'd hazard a WAG that it's more of the latter than the former.


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09 Feb 2009, 4:25 pm

mitharatowen wrote:
Nah I haven't been sleeping as much as I usually do. But I think that might be a sign too.
I've been depressed for sure before.. this doesn't feel quite the same :?
I'm cabable of being happy and having a good day .. I just don't give a flying f**k about any of my responsibilities.

I feel kind of like I died and no one told me.

If that makes any sense :lol:

I recogince the feeling, it usually happens when I haven't got enough sleep for several days, one or two can work, but after that it's going down hill, quickly. The only cure is to sleep longer than usual for several days, it has proven best to go to bed early rather then sleep longer in the morning.

Hope it works for you too. :)

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09 Feb 2009, 4:32 pm

mitharatowen wrote:
I feel kind of like I died and no one told me.

this reminds me of a reaccuring dream i had a few times when i had died on a ship (no idea how) and i was instantly replaced by a new brother who happened to be the same age i was and he was hanging out with my friends


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09 Feb 2009, 4:49 pm

Fnord wrote:
Then again, it could just be an ordinary "I've stopped giving a frack because nobody gives a frack about me" phase in your life.

Considering that you've recently asked for advice on divorce procedures, I'd hazard a WAG that it's more of the latter than the former.

I considered it. Could be the case. But I don't really see why it should affect so many areas. Perhaps you're right. Many of the areas are tied together (except work?) I don't know. Whatever. Forget it :P

I am interested to know what a prolonged meltdown is like though for those who have experienced it? I thought I remember hearing something about giving up everything you like and radically changing your life? I feel like doing that.


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09 Feb 2009, 5:21 pm

It sounds to me like you´re going through a period of great change, and you need to take a "timeout" for yourself. This is quite normal when things are happening fast around may need time to process what´s happening, to draw inward and reflect on what´s going on. Your lack of desire to be "active" might be your psyche´s response to this. It could be that portions of your old life are dying, to make way to bring something new into your life. It may feel like nothing is happening yet, as you are sort of "between things"; it may feel stagnant for a time, but this is normal. I think the fact that you feel like "you died- but no one told you"- is quite telling, as it could be as if your old self is dying- or, your old life as you knew it- and, eventually, you will experience some kind of a rebirth, and you will feel active again. If that´s what it is, then I´ve gone through this many times. I wouldn´t exactly call it a "meltdown". I think all life is cyclical, and you are probably just at the end of a cycle, ready to start a new cycle. I think the best thing you can do is to just "go with it". If that means drinking tea all day and just thinking, or going out for long walks and not cleaning the house, go for it! We can´t be productive all the time. Try to hear your inner voice, and feel what it is you need to do.

Just one added piece of advice: if you are one of those people who is normally quite active and productive, it may feel like a depression at times. But if you trust yourself and your instincts, it should be fine. You may be going through what, spiritually speaking, was known in the older days as a "dark night of the soul". But this can be quite positive.

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09 Feb 2009, 5:43 pm

Thanks Morgana! That was really insightful!

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09 Feb 2009, 5:58 pm

are u single

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09 Feb 2009, 6:25 pm

From responses and other posts, it looks like you are going through a lot of stress. Stress does odd things to us. It can cause rage, depressions, or in your case apathy. Apathy is just what happens when a person just doesn't care anymore. It is a situation you should talk to your dr about. It may pass, but don't ignore it.

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09 Feb 2009, 7:05 pm

I think I woke up with a meltdown. I stayed in bed long enough so someone else would feed my pets. Then I started to have aches and pains that came from nowhere. Then I started to think about how I was invited by friends to go out on the weekend but I just don't want to do it. Now I don't even want to get dressed, vacuum or do the dishes, which I probably really need to do.


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09 Feb 2009, 7:58 pm

Hi mitharatowen

Don't think I've had the pleasure of meeting you. I do now. :) It can be a rough ride.

A couple of things floating past me.

Meltdown is a very generic term, it doesn't mean the same to everybody.

I have so many damn official *smirk* labels behind my name I tend to forget what they even are anymore. ADHD, yup that's there, OCD yup that's there soon, Bipolar, yup that's there and more. Anxiety disorder, bad DX but yet I certainly feel it and get a med for it, bad medicine, no not the Valium, it works ok, umm sometimes. I have more then those that I mentioned as well. AS fits like a glove, when I add in a comorbid. But, I don't swallow that label fully either. I very well may not be. Misdiagnosed? More then once and hang on, some of those that have the "official" I have AS, may have been as well. It can be very dangerous to believe in labels, this whole thing called modern medicine will look like the dark ages at some point in time and I don't think it's that far off. But, we gots what we gots, for now. So to me it's kind of like the old which came first the chicken or the egg and I toss AS in it as well. Is AS a comorbid? Now that should have stirred up a can of worms, but it didn't, when I asked it. And this is not the place to stir it.

There might be another thing/s involved.

Things (labels insert), can mimic other things.

Things can over ride other things.

So what to do, what to do. Get tested if you can and not specifically for AS, but make damn sure the testers are informed, know about it and know about it well. If not, need more info.

Since I have just met you and I see others mentioning things happening in your life. I'm going ask a very simple question. Why are they happening? Now read the above last statement again.

Best I can do, an awful lot I don't know and I wouldn't presume to tell you, you have "X", anyway. But I would say, gee that one looks a lot like mine (insert label). And then refer you to the above sentance.

See I'm going through a really rough period too. And finally, finally finally, when I said else where, I drank two huge mugs of coffee, ate two giant candy bars, no the really really big ones, and fell fast asleep. But this time I said it when I was going through the current upheaval. And pieces of the puzzle started to fall into place. I put in an emergency call to my therapist, I'll be there tomorrow and she can pull the string to get into the Vet Admin's Doc faster and we can get down to business and get rid of some of the bad DX's. And take care of this one. She is very open to AS as well, which is the first time any there have been, with the exception of my current VA therapist. She was so into what I had to say about it...well, maybe some of distant family are here now. I hope so. Hell for all I know she may be too. :) It can be a rough ride.

There is a ton more I would like to say, but I won't, unless you ask or better yet, talk more.

Just enjoy what you do, as best you can, and let the dog out once in a while.


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10 Feb 2009, 3:03 pm

mitharatowen wrote:
Thanks Morgana! That was really insightful!

Cool! 8) Glad I could be of help.

"death is the road to awe"