A young man came to my door today. I was in a very good mood, and felt fine to open the door. (Some days I don't open it.) He was very outgoing and obviously trying to make a good impression, but I could tell he was a bit nervous, because he seemed a little bit too outgoing and loud, but that's fine. He was going through some kind of rehabilitation program, and going door to door and "reaching out" to the community was part of whatever they were doing. He told me he was originally from Harlem, NY, and had been a drug-dealer, and that kind of thing, but he had left that life behind and was making a new start. He made it sound like by going door to door and talking with people, he would earn "points." Well, I thought that sounded fine, and I told him that I admired what he was doing, because I know it's hard to get out of your comfort zone and make changes. I was all ready to write some nice comments on the thing he had handed me, and could see that some other neighbors had written stuff and given him "points."
Well, it turned out that before I could give him points or write a comment, I would have to buy a magazine subscription. Well, I don't like any magazines, because they are all mostly advertising. Okay, he said, you can buy a subscription and have it donated to a local doctor's office. Well..I don't want to have a magazine subscription hanging over my head at all. I don't want to pay for it, or get junk mail, or endless renewal notices.
The instant he perceived that I was NOT going to buy a magazine subscription, his whole demeanor changed. The smile faded, and he just shook his head like I was the root of all mankind's problems. Here's this guy trying to pick himself up by the bootstraps, and I just knock him back down.
This isn't the first time this has happened. I refuse to buy into the guilt trips these people try to lay on me, or to explain or justify why I'm not going to support a certain cause at the moment.
I'm thinking of putting a "No soliciting" sign near my door. But is that like putting up a sign that says, "Angry Weirdo Recluse Lives Here"? Okay, sometimes I am an angry weirdo recluse, or various combinations thereof. But mostly I just don't like people disturbing me in my home and then getting all in a dither when I don't help them meet their quota for whatever it is they are doing. I have nothing against that guy, or any ex-drug dealers who want to make a change, but I have a right not to be pressured into buying something I don't want.
So, if you see that someone has a "no soliciting" sign, do you think badly of that?