englishguy wrote:
SaveFerris wrote:
Is anger a part of dyspraxia
Yeah it can be, but i get angry because i want a girlfriend, I want to be able to lose weight, for the spots on my face to go, for me to drive. For me to get into the UNI i want.
UNI Is out of your control if your have poor grades , if you still have time get some help with your studies.
Girlfriend: Wrong person to ask
Weight: I believe a calorie controlled diet and exercise is the best way to lose weight ( says the fatty lying on the settee )
Zits: Lots of products on the market to help or see your GP if it's a bad case.
Driving: Don't know the law regarding dyspraxia and driving
R Tape loading error, 0:1
Hypocrisy is the greatest luxury. Raise the double standard