I agree with garyww in determing whether or not she is an Aspie, but you responded that she has some Aspie traits.
I can relate to your awkwarness here because unless I am talking about my interests it is hard for me to lead a conversation. So you could get some long blank areas in your communication. Like CleverKitten said, find out her interests---that makes for good conversation. And, if you two have a common shared interest---then wonderful.
Last night I was getting a tattoo enlarged and reworked on my arm when this guy walks in that knew the tattoo artist. He sets down and begins talking. I am not sure if he had Asperger's or not, but he began on narrow interests and talked about them endlessly rattling off statistics and rare information. The topics were: The Marx Brothers, The Three Stooges, Adolph Hitler and his mystical beliefs, Ghost hunting, and a thing called Castleing? (where people who think they may someday lose their homes due to bad economy begin collecting large rocks and begin building a castle to live in). With the noise level of the tattoo machine and the stereo it was hard for me to always tune in accurately to the conversation. But he talked to me a lot and I have to admit---he nearly wore me out with his endless array of knowledge on these topics that he wanted to share. And he liked to hold eye contact which is horrible for me. I am dodging my eyes. My mind was on the seven needles in the machine poking my arm 60 times a second (for a total of 420 pokes a second---for three hours or so). Eventually I began the infamous Aspie stare---holding eye contact for long periods of time as I related to some of the things I knew about his topics---then he began eye dodging. But---the fact is, during this long period of time, I was able to talk to a person I didn't know. He enjoyed it I think because I was able to relate to his interests. I too like the Three Stooges, and some of his other topics. But at the same time, it was tiring. But having an awkward conversation without any narrow interests to talk about would have been much more tiring if the other person wanted to communicate. So I believe that finding interests to talk about is a good way to communicate.
"My journey has just begun."