this the very basic about meltdowns [and the opposite-shutdowns] without getting into exact types but meltdowns are completely involuntary outbursts that the bodies' fight or flight chemicals set off in reaction to something,and they are very obvious to others,the person may remember being classed as agressive,challenging or violent-especially if they're regular and happen around others,but these can also include screaming type outbursts as well.
shutdowns are completely involuntary and include the person shutting off input from the outside of their body,the person withdraws into themself,and may experience different body functions or abilities shutting down,long term coming out of them can be slow,to others the person will be unresponsive or sleepy and because these are inbursts these are less likely to be noticed by others unless they have training or experience.
There are quite a few different experiences of both,so it's too hard to just say meltdowns is _______ and shutdowns is _______ because they can be different in everyone.
Some people tend to add the words meltdown and shutdown to most reactions they have which is wrong as these are 'extreme' reactions,not usual day to day people stuff.
meltdowns and shutdowns can also be recognised under EEG.
>severely autistic.
>>the residential autist;
blogging from the view of an ex institutionalised autism/ID activist now in community care.
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