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15 Feb 2009, 2:58 pm

ANyone gone from verbal to non-verbal with disaster?

Because most non verbal end up somewhat verbal, I am wondering if it happened like me.

Very closed off, in my own protected world, tehn started slowly to talk in public and tryto make friends and mimic NT's. Worked for a while, but got targeted wihtout even knwoiong it.

THen things went very badly.

I wish I cuold go back, but now everyone who be so freaked out like I reverted. It would be too stressful but I dream of moving and starting over and goingb ack to how I was created.


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15 Feb 2009, 3:02 pm

not quite sure what your on about but
how do u expect a non-verbal person to reply :lol:
do you mean mute or just preffering not to talk


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15 Feb 2009, 4:08 pm

Sometimes when I'm stressed or tired I don't feel like talking at all. People get upset because I'm not talking to them, as if I'm doing it on purpose to spite them. Of course I don't explain myself.

It tends to happen for a while after I wake up, or when my parents are being jerks to me (as they often are). They expect me to be mad at them because they know they're being unreasonable, but mostly I just get annoyed and feel like being left alone.

I don't recall if I've ever tried writing when I'm like this, but I'm sure I could. Though it might appear strange if I gave someone something in writing because I didn't feel like saying it.

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15 Feb 2009, 4:10 pm

[Off topic]Nice beard :lol: [/off topic]


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15 Feb 2009, 5:39 pm

[off topic]Thanks. :)> I need to get a new picture since it's a bit longer now.[/off topic]

I don't think anyone expects me to be so quiet with a beard like mine. :D>

"If knowledge can create problems, it is not through ignorance that we can solve them." - Isaac Asimov


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15 Feb 2009, 6:09 pm

WurdBendur wrote:
I don't recall if I've ever tried writing when I'm like this, but I'm sure I could. Though it might appear strange if I gave someone something in writing because I didn't feel like saying it.
I wonder.
I know that it helps me to write stuff when I'm alone.
Maybe it could be a way of saying, "Can you hear me now?"
I'm not sure how to do it. I would need a new mindset.


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15 Feb 2009, 6:36 pm

why do you need to talk with a beard like that :lol:


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15 Feb 2009, 8:05 pm

MegaAndy wrote:
not quite sure what your on about but
how do u expect a non-verbal person to reply :lol:
do you mean mute or just preffering not to talk

being non verbal is not the same thing as having a language difficulty.
someone can be non verbal and have such a severe level of language difficulty that they would never be able to use WP,but others are non verbal and have a moderate,mild or no difficulty with understanding of language,so forum use and other uses of text is accessible to them.
Also,many people who are non verbal are not completely non verbal [as in no sound],its rare to be completely non verbal.

Am non verbal,speech impaired when verbal [echolalic and palilalic],most of the time-NV,the NVism am have has also been located to a specific part of the brain,which seems to be common amongst NVers.
Though the causes really differ between autists and mutism is usually included under 'NV'.

is it that people are being nasty because have now got speech in public when didnt before? [not sure if have understood].
there are some really ignorant and horrible people about,who think a persons difficulties cannot change in either way [better or worse], and if it doesnt fit their idea of how something goes-it's got to be fake.
it is stupid that they cannot use a little understanding [just understand that things they see are usually more difficult than they think] instead of using their ignorance.
if possible,learn ASL/BSL signs for some naughty words,and use them on the people who do not like,am use the [makaton] toilet sign on some ignorants even when dont need toilet,partly because makaton isn't one for swearing and is the only 'bad' sign am know and partly because it uses the middle finger so some think am doing the middle finger thing at them but am just comparing them to a dirty toilet [eg, full of s...].

sorry if have not understood what were writing and have gone on about something different.

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16 Feb 2009, 2:16 pm

It's hard to explain......when this kicked in for me and when I have trauma, I am non verbal. By that I mean that whenI am with family I can speak but it is not ike normal speaking. It's like another person talking.

However, I was non verbal from 15-18 anywhere besides home. I was not dxed AUT then but would have been if it happened now. That means in school I would stare at someone who talked to me. I could not think of wha to say. Bgy the time I thught of it, the time was gone. So then I just started to stare down so NO ONE WOULD try to talk to me. I sat at a shrink's offive for 60 minutes once, and it was $60 back then. I imagine giving im $1 every minute. I said nothing. ANother kept saying. "Look at my eyes!" just like you read about!

Then I was ina bible studdy for 5 years, no talking at all. THey would ask me a question and same thing- I would stare. But this time I was older, like 22 so I began to study what they did and how they responded and really really began to practice this. And I started to get this horribly fake way of interacting "effecively. " I can do it now for short periods.......3 hours is max. And I have it down so good that when people first meet me they think I am normal!

BUT, it has been very hard on me and has gotten me into awful socail situations. People sniff it out. Like "weak girl" Weak girl= I have a chance to take ad vantage of her. I can't even begin to tell you the horror I went though thinking that I had crossed over into the NT world!! !! !! !! I really kept thinking it would get better and this person was not using me, that person was not lying etc. The damned horrors of trying to live in an NT world.

So now I see it would have been better to be my disabled self and not try to not be disabled. If I had kept silent and not tried to enter in, I would be much more sane.

So that was my question....if anyone went from non verbal in socail situations to verbal. I was never mute. It was elective mutism- and not like that kid in Little Miss Sunshine! He did it to cleanse his soul. That's commendable, but differnt. My brain ceases up and freeezes. If I am forced to talk then, it makes no sense.