irishwhistle wrote:
Oh, yeah, almost non-stop. In that I am sometimes distracted by alternatives, such as typing or other activities with the hands. But it's amazing how much you stim even while occupied, isn't it? Like driving, you'd think you'd be busy but if you pay attention just a bit you know you're doing something or other with fingertips and the wheel cover. Well, I am anyhow, I have a wheel cover.
But what various reasons are there for stims? I mean, there are other conditions or causes for a person to engage in them, yes? I am wondering, as an undiagnosed Aspie, what else might account for it. Because I really can't remember when I didn't stim, I wonder if I ever didn't. It is the primary thing that I consider at times when I ask myself how sure I am that I have this. My various traits can and have placed me in a lot of areas, right or wrong... hyperactive and gifted as a child, later things such as social phobia, OCD, anxiety, depression, too danged uptight, and just a simple intolerant nature have been suggested. (What kind of crappy biofeedback therapist says that? "So... you're intolerant." I don't recall gaining much relaxation from biofeedback.)
But then I find AS and realize that something besides agitation could be causing the sheer whopping huge number of different stims I have collected. I mean, if I made the effort to catalogue the numbers and varieties, ho-ly crap.
That, and the way I react to change. I mean, like catching a stomach virus. Throws me off completely.
But yeah, stims all over the place.
About why, for stimming? STIM is an acronym for self-stimulatory involuntary movement, associated with autism. Stimming is accompanied by the release of Oxytocin, as I stated above. Oxytocin, neurotransmitter, is the 'love' hormone and is on the pharmaceutical market as 'Pitocin' and others with synthetic versions as well. Pitocin induces uterine contraction in women during labor. Oxytocin is released in mammals upon pair bonding, lactation (breast feeding), sexual orgasm, and some forms of reciprocity. This is the biochemistry behind stimming.
Stimming amongst autistics can be brought upon through various factors but 'to control?' Well, why? Stimming is innocuous. Unless the stimming becomes violent (ie: self-harming, such as if one is hitting their head against a wall) or overtly distracting to others (such as in a classroom, if stimming should become just totally erratic or bizarre) then it's not a problem.
As to 'intolerant nature???' Huh? Nonsense. And biofeedback? Again, why? Oxytocin is a normal neurotransmitter. For me, stimming can help me concentrate too. And just feels comforting (right word?); maybe just feels good. No need to cure or fix this aspect.
The ones who say “You can’t” and “You won’t” are probably the ones scared that you will. - Unknown