Work stress, working on my own, I can just about handle because I'm the only one to blame if anything goes wrong.
It's the social stress and working in noisy chatty environments that really gets to me.
So if I have to cooperate with others to do a project, ouch.
I can't seem to handle working and cooperative socialising at the same time.
It has to be either one or the other.
Something has to give.
I either bail out or dominate the entire project, there's no middle road I'm afraid.
DWill wrote:
I can handle a great deal of stress as well, but when I do I lose the ability to care about anything and retreat into my own world. My social skills become near non existent as well
So do my social skills.
This probably explains why I have great difficulty handling highly pressurised group situations where everyone is competing to cooperate.
I've lost count of the number of times I've had to do everyone's work for them when they've been clueless.
Then I reached the stage where I was confronted with people who were more capable than I was and had their own ideas. Ouch.