I am supposedly dyslexic, & would say I agree.
Unfortunately (or fortunately, perchance), my obsession with having correct spelling & grammar has eluded any dyslexia recognition.
Being told to speed read, how can anyone speed read? It's impossible - for me.
When I'm not concentrating hard enough, I'll misplace syllables, miss out syllables / letters, write words down incorrectly, though possibly acoustically correct (perhaps,
"eye" for "aye"; "someing" for "something"). Usually though, I'm able to find mistakes during a proof read, & correct them. This makes writing essayes (there's a good example which I'm not going to correct), or any work whatsoever quite laborious.
As the head of "special needs" in my school (of which I attend the 6th form) asked, "do you find you have to look at every word"? I thought, well doesn't everyone? Though I replied a simple "yes".
Perhaps it is a tradegy that they missed it up until a few months ago, but I would say it's quite an acheivment, in a way, to have passed through school in the top sets, whilst harbouring AS, SPD & Dyslexia.
There are no "opinions"; only variations in validity for possible truths & falsehoods