Padium wrote:
I find it very difficult to be on the higher functioning end of AS... [...] ... If I were lower functioning I wouldn't have to worry about these unrealistic expectations, and could just be me a bit better... Sure I would stick out worse most likely, but it would be a good trade off for me...
I can't help myself, but thinking your idea to end you just asking for a kind of well prepared nest in which you can rest without taking the struggle to survive in a mostly hostile world.
You may shall recall first that also NTs are struggling in hostile world which they do neither understand fully. The struggle Aspies have is slightly different, but why do assume to have less struggle?
There is always a danger with being diagnosed with any mental abnormality: To blame every trouble we have to this condition. Being an Aspie has its shortcomings in respect of unwritten rules and social interaction, but those shortcoming can be turned into strengths, because you need to understand on an intellectual level how this interactions work and you are much more immune against commonly used manipulations.
Wishing to be "lower functioning" would strip you from those strengths and would make you for whole live dependent on others and their decisions. You would exchange your freedom with a bit more convenience. Is this really what you wish?