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03 Mar 2009, 6:34 pm

So, out of curiousity, I want to know what other ASDers do all day, as from what I understand most are unemployed. So how do you spend your days?


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03 Mar 2009, 6:41 pm

I sleep til noon, then I go on the computer, watch DVDs and listen to music all day. I only stop for meals, and sometimes not even then if I can get my mum to let me eat in my room. Then I go to bed as late as I want. Then the next day I do it all again.

It's more fun than it sounds.

'El reloj, no avanza
y yo quiero ir a verte,
La clase, no acaba
y es como un semestre"


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03 Mar 2009, 6:53 pm

I was really bored today. Basically, I'm writing a novel, drawing with either charcoal or colored pencils, playing pc games, listening to music or I'm on this forum. None of my hobbies satisfied me today, so I slept until BF came over, with barbecue and we watched a movie. I work 4 days a week, about 5 hours a day, in the evenings.

I am a very strange female.

Don't take life so seriously. It isn't permanent!


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03 Mar 2009, 6:55 pm

whitetiger wrote:
I was really bored today. Basically, I'm writing a novel, drawing with either charcoal or colored pencils, playing pc games, listening to music or I'm on this forum. None of my hobbies satisfied me today, so I slept until BF came over, with barbecue and we watched a movie. I work 4 days a week, about 5 hours a day, in the evenings.

That made me laugh, I read that as slept with the bbq...


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03 Mar 2009, 7:03 pm

What do I do? Well nowadays mostly OBLIVION! and sleep. I get alot of sleep. Since I'm unemployed and currently not under going any education that's all I need to do.

I wandered though the weird and lurid landscape of another planet.


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03 Mar 2009, 7:06 pm

i paint, suss out WP when i have breaks or come up to the house.
once a week i teach privately.
i paint.
then i paint.
then i read up on special interest stuff (Art and AS at present.)

most days are the same for me. homebound, creative and insular.
every friday i go to an NA meeting at midday. then i go to a cafe with 3 other ex-reprobates - all of whom know i have AS and i sit there and read the paper or a mag while they talk A LOT. The like me and i like them but i f**k up on the social part and they leave me be. they understand. they know i only like one on one with people and they know my firday attempt is a really big deal for me. At this same cafe i have the same thing every week to eat - a falafel pitta bread health food thing smothered in chilli (chilli here is an asian hot sauce and not what you in the States call chilli.)

every few weeks i go to an AS psych.
i might get a phonecall or email and do those.
i do not like people turning up to my place and i do not cope well with disruption to my routine or the internal logic of how i live.

How i live makes sense to me but to very few others.
i tried to have a friendship recently with someone on-line, but it was SO distressing because they didn't fit with my routine so i let it go. it has been very hard. I see how limited i am and how others just cruise with life in a manner that is foreign to me.

this is the story of 46 years of my life, give or take an upheaval or two.

i live like a kid, make a bit of money out of my art,
and feel totally f****d about life and AS at present.


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03 Mar 2009, 7:26 pm

not in school at the moment so I sleep in, read, get on the computer, and pace and swing on the swingset all day. I have to help watch my other autistic younger sister a lot though, too, since she isn't in school either.


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03 Mar 2009, 7:28 pm

I have a job, in my free time I play videogames, recently I got kind of interested in manga but I'm still exploring, sometimes I get attracted by my old love basketball but it's hard to watch an entire game when I have my consoles ready to go :wink: It's pretty fun.


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03 Mar 2009, 8:29 pm

'net, misc. stuff around the house, work*, recreation, 'net again.

Farmhand. Which is probably seen as a "lower level job", but fudge that; I like working outside and doing physical stuff (a "higher level job" would be far too painful, plus I wouldn't like it).

(LFA here, but with functional speech; which doesn't mean I can interact with people in person, but I can type/write.)


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03 Mar 2009, 8:38 pm

gina-ghettoprincess wrote:
I sleep til noon, then I go on the computer, watch DVDs and listen to music all day. I only stop for meals, and sometimes not even then if I can get my mum to let me eat in my room. Then I go to bed as late as I want. Then the next day I do it all again.

It's more fun than it sounds.

:lmao: That's awesome!

"Ahhhh....homeschooling rules!" - Eric Cartman

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03 Mar 2009, 9:04 pm

Pop up when the sun comes up. (My aspie husband and daughter take the late shift and wake up around noon).
I start a pot of coffee.
Turn on the tv(s) - Law and Order - if its not on somewhere, I'll turn on CNN, CNBC or History.
Open all the shades.
Let the dog out.
Make a giant cup of coffee - usually before its finished brewing by holding the mug under the stream - make a big mess. Leave it there for a couple hours.
Turn on my computer.
Let the dog in.
Check the online news - Google, CNN, BBC, Le Monde.
Check WP and email - screw around responding.

Spend about 3 hours moving the earth - writing, researching and telling people what to do over email or IM. My AS super powers allow me to work in a very condensed amount of time - what others would take all week. Then everyone runs around and does what I tell them to do. I make it very clear that I am not there to execute or implement. I don't "do" emergencies. Not my job. And I'm a consultant so I get to charge them by the project - and as long as I give them kick a** results, nobody cares how many hours I work.

So the rest of the time I pretty much read, watch TV, talk to you guys, and goof off. I usually have to do the dishes at least once a day but I can't stand housework. For someone who has so much freetime, I probably should have a cleaner kitchen, bathrooms and have fewer piles of laundry (mostly clean).

I cook an elaborate dinner and fall asleep watching SpongeBob with my daughter around 11.

Go to the Kroger (grocery store) every couple days.

Every week or so, I get a wild hair and go the recycling center.

A CRAZY day is a day at Barnes & Noble.

Then every couple months I go on some wild toad business trip - where I get all the excitement and humanity I can handle until the next time.

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03 Mar 2009, 9:36 pm

Wake up
eat breakfast
hang out with 3 y/o cousin or if she is not here yet check email, myspace, facebook and here
do school work post here
hang with cousin some times working on letters number colors etc.
Watch some TV
Talk to bf throughout the day usually short convos as we are both shy and have to work
sometimes therapy
o course sometime eat lunch
listen to music throughout the day

DXed with PDD/AS,ADD,OCD, and more

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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03 Mar 2009, 9:37 pm

i wake up go to school get home skateboard and or bmx bike ( by myself in my basement in the winter) with my freinds around the neiborhood or at the skatepark every other time of the year come home eat dinner play video games or go on facebook usally go on facebook youtube this site or my skate forum on fridays i go on and check the new manga relases on saturdays I hang with my freinds at the mall on sundays i hang with my freinds on the beach.


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03 Mar 2009, 9:49 pm

An average day for me is: get up around 7am, get my two boys ready for school, drop one off, and come back while husband gets other one on the van to school. I then sleep till about 11 :45 and I go and get my son from preschool. Once home, I eat lunch; do house hold chores, and keep 3 year old entertained. 8 year old comes home around 2pm, and all hell breaks loose, and they go at it till i feel like screaming. I spend most of the next few hours keeping them from arguing, hitting eachother, dealing with the kids . get on computer to get away from it all. husband comes home, I fix dinner, everyone eats while watching tv, then i go take a well needed nap, get up once the kids are in bed( around 9pm) get on the computer, then go to bed around 1am or later. I'm tired all the time. I never seem to get a good nights sleep.


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03 Mar 2009, 9:58 pm

silvskaterdude wrote:
i wake up go to school get home skateboard and or bmx bike ( by myself in my basement in the winter) with my freinds around the neiborhood or at the skatepark every other time of the year come home eat dinner play video games or go on facebook usally go on facebook youtube this site or my skate forum on fridays i go on and check the new manga relases on saturdays I hang with my freinds at the mall on sundays i hang with my freinds on the beach.

Awwwww!! ! That kind of sounds like my youth. ("Orange County" is pretty close to my high school years).

I miss the beach...definitely spent more time at the beach than in school.

Dude - Enjoy it and don't let anyone tell you that you aren't learning something about life hanging out at the skatepark with your buddies and getting in tune with yourself and nature at the beach.

Maybe I'll write a business book: "Everything I Learned About Business I Learned Hanging Out with My Loser Stoner Buddies at the Beach". (Remember Shaun in Orange County? He was the alpha amongst the stoner surfers. Not a bad place. Business is JUST LIKE THAT.)

My 13 y/o son is getting into skating and I couldn't be prouder! Although, sometimes he seems more interested in the clothes than skating. He kind of cries if he gets hurt. Not cool.

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03 Mar 2009, 10:08 pm

I have college classes four days a week anywhere between 9 a.m to 3 p.m depending on the day. I usually work night shifts during the week days and morning shifts on weekends. When I'm not doing any of those things, I either watch TV, play video games, read or go online like right now.