OddballBen wrote:
I sometimes see people who aren't there. It might just be a darting shadow in the corner of my vision or a complete person (color, shape, facial features) in front of me. This usually happens in the dark, but sometimes I see them in well light rooms. If it's dark, they're more likely to look like shadows, but with depth and sometimes facial features. If the room is well lit, they are more likely to look like real people, with colored clothes, hairstyles, facial features, etc. They only appear for 5-10 seconds. They don't talk to me or anything so at least I'm not completely crazy.
I've never heard anyone else talk about seeing things like this, so I don't know if this happens to everyone from time to time or if it has anything to do with Asperger's or what.
i do not think it has to do with AS. but i have had (very rarely) hypnagogic dreams where i am totally convinced i am awake, and i even hit myself to make sure, and then go on to see dead people who i knew were once alive. they appear so real and sharply defined, that i know i could not have the imagination to dream them in my brain.
but for you i guess it may be a more serious matter if you see people who are not there when you are awake.
it may be an excessive "personification" of unexplained details thing.
like if you are not concentrating in the periphery of your vision, and there is a shadow that flits by there, then your mind may personify that unexplained visual disturbance into a human presence.
i think it is in need of further appraisal by a professional.
i would be very worried if i was seeing people who were not there if i was not asleep.