MissConstrue wrote:
millie wrote:
many many prior dx'es.
the current understanding and view is that it was just plain old run of the mill(ie) autism all along
Funny you should say that.
I often wonder if many of the stuff like ADD and everything else they tried to diagnose me with was really an overall spectrum of things much similar to each disorder. Yet not one doctor ever brought up or mentioned anything about autism or aspergers. They were just as perplexed as my mom especially with how non verbal I was.
Aspergers and autism seem to cover many of these strange variants. The only difference it they are not as extreme and may mock some of these disorders similar to the symptoms of ASD.
our experiences here are almost identical, Misconstrue...whichis no doubt why i relate to much of what you say on WP. (even down to the vids you post.)
I was dx'ed with Multiple Personality Disorder - not by a quack - but by a really good psychologist. With further research into Autism and AS, it is fairly clear that the issue was not one of MPD but very much a case of pronounced social mimicry . tony attwood spoke about the "conman" in his seminar recently - how some AS people become chameleons to the extreme.
so yes, i am an autistic conwoman. that would fit me. and i don;t lie!
the Major Depresion and Anxiety dx'es - definitely co-morbids with the autism. the depresion has lifted since my correct dx.
dissociative disorder - wrong - more a case of the ability to hyperfocus like so many AS people.
Drug and Alcohol problems - now clean -- co-morbid to autism. Like so many i self-medicated in order to fit in somewhere.
the list goes on.
the thing is, the only dx that has ever made sense to ME is the autism one.
there is a lot of peace in that. it is quite wonderful.
let me know when you post up the next vid.