Usually I can handle it well enough, but lately I have been put in the middle of several political wars, and I have been feeling a tad overwhelmed. Today I came very close to breaking down into tears (okay, more than close, but managed to hold it until I could get out of there) after one uncomfortable confrontation with a boss, with regards to one particular war going on in the office which I fear is hopeless unless a few people just freakin' well grow up, sigh . Luckily it was lunch time by then, and I bought some emergency chocolate, and walked the long way back to work eating a portion of said chocolate, got some cold air on my face and did some deep breathing. It is second best to meditating, but I had no where quiet to sit and not be bothered by people buzzing around me. For some reason, eyes closed, deep breathing means "time to talk".
I just want to be left alone to do my job, is that so wrong? (apparently, yes - it is, sigh). Ah, so nice to be home, all alone, with just the gentle ticking of a clock on the wall...
People think there are four elements to the world; fire, wind, water and earth. They are wrong. There is a 5th element - surprise. - paraphrasing of Terry Pratchett "The Truth"