Willard wrote:
Lene wrote:
Social Dyslexia
I like that - I think that might be easier for most NTs to wrap their heads around. People sort of understand Dyslexia.
I think the term "Social Dyslexia" would actually help others understand what I was going through better. That's in my case anyway. I appreciate that other people's situations may be different.
Gosh, if that term had been used when I was younger, I could have been helped more positively and understood what was going on myself!
When I was younger, I was not explicitly told what AS meant so I spent years wondering why people reacted to me in the way they did and why they seemed to think that AS meant that there was "something wrong" with me.
Any mention of "syndrome" in my experience tends to send people "running for the hills" in fear or them saying "you're not ill". People are afraid of AS, but not so afraid of the concept of Dyslexia. Dyslexia seems to be a more palatable concept for many people.
I'll have to say that I've learned more about AS from these boards than I have from any assistant or professional.
Why didn't they explain things more clearly and succinctly at the time in a positive way?
If they had have done, my family and I certainly would have cooperated more!
Many have also thought that the word "syndrome" is an unfair description of my personality traits given it's negative connotations. Personality traits can be interpreted either very positively or very negatively depending on your point of view and therefore that the dx of a "syndrome" wasn't appropriate for me.
They just couldn't understand why I was brilliant at solitary tasks, but struggled more with social tasks.