Any Furries on Wrong Planet? (no YIFF)

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29 Oct 2010, 11:25 am

I am interested in hearing from anybody who is interested in Furry Fandom - no YIFF

Does the silent mascot tradition apeal to nonverbal types?
Did your fursona come from one of your special interests? ie: a video game charecter you like?
Anybody willing to post their fursuit or costume making tips?
Do you find it easier to socialize or meet people in costume at conventions?

How does your Furrieness relate to your autism if at all?


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29 Oct 2010, 12:51 pm

Yes my special intrests did influence my fursona. She is a rare meerkat subspecies from another planet. Meerkats are my main special intrest so therefore my fursona is a rare sub species of meerkat not found on earth. Image

As a child as young as three, I remember feeling as if I was born i the wrong body. The body of the wrong species. I wanted to be a cat and pretended to be one all the time. My parents thought it was just a passing phase but I felt I truely wanted to be a cat more than a person. I also remember wanting to be a snake so I "could bite people". I often said that when I felt under pressure. My parents idea of the furry community came from the CSI eppisode, "Fur & Loathing" and like most people thought "yiffing" was what the whole thing was about. They didn't believe me when I told them it was just an exgageration pumped up for the media. CSI loves to take the extreme becuase it makes for good TV. I wanted to have a meerkat tail made and wear it about now and then for fun and becuase I love to perform thought expirments on the unsuspecting public. My parents said if I did get one, I could only wear it to the shrink's office. My mom says furries are a form of transvestite and my dad says its just a "convention for weirdos" and ask me why I even want to be associated with people like that. My mom says those kind of people are on the "fringe" of society. I sometimes wonder if my parents have AS traits but when they say things like this it makes me think they are regular stick-in-the-mid NTs. No matter how hard I try, I am never going to fit into NT society 100% and there are people in the fur community who seem completly NT. I really have no desire to attend these furry conventions but it really disapoints me when my parents turn a blind eye to my feelings of isolation and alienation. Truthfully the furry community seems like a big joke. I don't want to wear a costume, I want to be a real meerkat and live with other meerkats, not people in meerkat costumes. There is a limit to how many human traits anthropromorphic animals should have or perhaps my art shouldn't be considered furry. Human hands and feet on an animal make me feel ill. When people give female animals human sexual organs it just seems like some weird form of porn. When my art does take an "anthro" form, it's like something from a little kids show. But as I said, once I really think about it, the whole thing seems like one big joke to me. Instead of going to conventions and trying to reach out to other people, I could go to Africa and make friends with real meerkats. And WHY do people put human breasts on female animals? Dogs, foxes and such don't have breasts, they have special features to feed their young and it's NOT in the location of human breasts. I just don't get that. Either the person who drew it has a poor concept of anamoty or is secretly trying to suggest something.

I'm not weird, you're just too normal.


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29 Oct 2010, 1:29 pm

Hey thanks for posting - I really apreciate your sharing - I want to stay away from the YIFFY stuff but apreciate the comments you made. For me it really is a big joke, I like the costumes and theatrics. I like the what if questions - what if I was part dragon and could fly? What if I could run as fast as a cheatah?

There is a Canadian novel called "Incedent at Hawks Hill" by Allen W Echert which is based on a true story of a non-verbal toddler who had a unique ability to connect with animals and disappeared on the Canadian Prairy only to be found months later living as the adopted young in the den of a female badger who had lost her kits- he really did get to live with the animals for real.


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29 Oct 2010, 1:33 pm

Thanks moderator! (definitions are available on wiki)


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29 Oct 2010, 1:37 pm

I don't really understand the idea of "furry"--I'm human, y'know? I understand and empathize with cats a great deal; but I don't have their way of communicating because I simply don't have the flexibility... When I communicate with a cat, it's human-to-cat, and I try to speak their language because they have such difficulty with mine. We speak in a cobbled-together mix of hand gestures and voice patterns and body postures and tail flicks, and I think they are often doing the equivalent of speaking slowly and loudly so that I can understand.

I guess maybe I need to have this explained to me--I do love animals, and as I've said, definitely empathize with them (I've said many times that I can speak Cat)--but why do you want to pretend to be an animal instead of a human? I did pretend to be a cat when I was little; even used my ability to communicate with cats to help me understand how to interact with humans. But it was always that--pretend.

Is this anything like putting on Renaissance-era clothing and pretending it's still the 1500s? Because I've done that...

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29 Oct 2010, 1:41 pm

ninszot wrote:
Thanks moderator! (definitions are available on wiki)

I looked up YIFF and saw what it meant so I deleted my question about it. Sometimes I post without thinking before I even think about I should look it up first.

I am not a moderator in case your response was directed at me.


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29 Oct 2010, 1:43 pm

Callista wrote:
Is this anything like putting on Renaissance-era clothing and pretending it's still the 1500s? Because I've done that...

For alot of people yes, it is basically another type of cosplay and overlaps with a number of roleplaying games and LARP (warewolf etc)

I have also met a number of people who identify with a spirit animal and describe being able to embody the spirit of that animal when they dawn their costume - this is an almost universal tribal ritual that has been found in early cultures around the world and for them continues through their "Fursona" - for some it can be a spiritual thing.


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29 Oct 2010, 1:46 pm

PunkyCat your art is beautiful - was it done on a computer or with pastels?


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29 Oct 2010, 2:16 pm

PunkyKat wrote:
When my art does take an "anthro" form, it's like something from a little kids show.

Apparently Furrsuiters watch more kids cartoons than the general population and read more sci-fi also. I think Beatrix Potter was a Furry ahead of her time - all those mice in little dresses and talking ducks with bonnets :lol:


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29 Oct 2010, 4:47 pm

ninszot wrote:
PunkyCat your art is beautiful - was it done on a computer or with pastels?

Thank you. It was done on the computer with Photoshop. There's more on my Deviant account which you can acess via my "website".

ninszot wrote:
PunkyKat wrote:
When my art does take an "anthro" form, it's like something from a little kids show.

Apparently Furrsuiters watch more kids cartoons than the general population and read more sci-fi also. I think Beatrix Potter was a Furry ahead of her time - all those mice in little dresses and talking ducks with bonnets :lol:

I loved her stories as a kid. One of my favorite cartoons, has a Christian veiwpoint and could be considered "furry". So I don't know why some Christians are so uptight about the whole thing. It's called Paws & Tales BTW. Maybe it's the dressing up part they are so against and I can understand how they would feel about "yiffing". I LOVED the Busy World of Richard Scary and I think that's what inspired some of the more anthropromorphic pics of my characters. My characters NEVER wear shoes and that was inspired by Richard Scary's work.

I'm not weird, you're just too normal.


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29 Oct 2010, 5:56 pm

I have never understood the social uniform - even issues of gender confuse me . . .

Why does society get to decide what I should be wearing?
I have always been somewhat theatrical in my manner of dress - I once owned a top hat and currently wear several cloaks in leu of a jacket. I have never accepted that my sex should dictate I wear dresses and high heel shoes but why stop there?

I actually know a fellow that refused to work unless he was wearing his fursuit - he was able to keep it up for two years solid doing everything from busking to mascoting for promotional events. He is a 6ft 2" Pooka (giant bunny spirit)


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30 Oct 2010, 8:30 am

Check out this you tube Video - many great costumes! ... LkDbM_9M12