LolaGranola wrote:
I was asked to speak at school about autism, and I don't know if I should. Along with informing my peers about the spectrum, there could also be some personal positives as well, like giving a reason to my occasional quirks. But on the other hand, is this just something I should keep to myself? I've kept my AS only between my close family, my therapist, and myself. What's the best that could happen? What's the worst?
I'm not saying that I'm not intrigued by the idea, but I just want to hear other opinions while I think about this.
I really do not know what to tell you Lola. It is a hard choice you'll have to make yourself. There are positives and negatives on both ends. The best thing that could happen is you feel relieved that people understand you, but the worst thing that could happen is people use it as a label and look at you differently. I would hope that people would be understanding and caring, but that is rarely the case. Even people on the spectrum can be pretty insensitive to others in the same situation, so I don't know. Its up to you what you do.