Oh, just read the thread sinsboldly posted, the online tests are useless. Ok. So where do I go to get tested? Or does it really matter? I mean, if your IQ is 175 and yet you can't get a job waiting tables because you're AS, does it matter how smart you are? Also, it's worth noting that "genius" traits can also be AS traits, suggesting that the line between genius and neurologically impaired is fuzzy, as it is between genius and mental illness/madness/loony tunes. Even Hans Asperger thought we were "little professors".
The main difference seems to be degree-an aspie will be really knowledgeable about a narrow, single subject, and be spectacularly ungifted in others, while a genius will be really knowledgeable about a LOT of subjects. I seem to fit the latter, I know a lot about a lot, and a little about everything. I also have the constant "out of the box thinking" attributed to genius that seems to be less prevalent among pure AS. I knew a boy in one of the classes I did time in as a substitute special ed aide who was really knowledgeable about art, and talked about it all the time, and I said to the teacher one day "he seems really smart", and she said he's smart about only one thing, while (another girl) is smart in general. He probably was aspie.
Also, it seems that politicians can have high raw IQ scores, due to their mastery of verbal communication, yet as we all know they don't know beans about running a country. I remember seeing online that Sarah Palin has an IQ in the 130s, which is pretty good, but once you get her in an interview it's obvious she is really dumb. That's how IQ tests can be tilted in favor of what is being tested. Thus the old claim that an IQ test measures how good you do on an IQ test. Autistics have a BIG problem with this-the traditional verbal tests rates us at the IQ of raw vegetables or the pheasants out here that keep getting run over by cars despite being able to fly, yet other tests will show normal scores.