On touch, I can't stand touching or seeing someone touch (or scratch) blue jeans, and other specific fabrics. But I don't know about the whole hypersensitivity issue. Like I pay attention to many sounds. All sounds. In fact, I had perfect hearing on my military hearing test, and I think it's because I'm used to paying attention to sounds. I think some people ignore most sounds that they train themselves to be deaf to them. Since they really are a distraction, that probably is the better approach.
As far as human/human touch. I loved cuddling and such until after I was raped while awake through it. So, it's part of my ptsd that i don't like to be touched so much, but I still love it when my husband pets me. I just hate cuddling now. And, I drive my kids crazy constantly wanting to pick them up, hug, squeeze, kiss cheeks heads backs shoulders (their 1 and 2), pretend I'm eating their stomachs, tickling them, flipping them, dancing with them. I'm a very touchy feely person when it comes to showing love. But I don't like being touched too much by strangers. Kinda like a cat. But get me drunk, and I'm hanging on everyone.
I think one main theme of Aspergers is the ALIENATION. Wrong Planet was the perfect name for this type of site. Take a look at the forum, and you can see it. The Aspies here talk about the human race often like they are not included, they separate Aspies from NTs, they either display this huge hatred against or a huge desire to be a "neurotypical." We are very much alienated most of our lives because we are different. It's not an actual symptom. It's just a result of being Aspie.