I think that some people are complaining about the website being swamped. I think that there are some ways to work around this or help with the bandwidth issues. The below are some suggestions:
Recovering "lost" messages
Some said that they lose long posts they have written when they try to post them, and then they get the website busy page. When this happens, I use the "back" button on my web browser and get the unposted message I had written or edited. I can even back up several pages and get a message I was editing earlier in the day.
Reducing bandwidth of your messages
"Bandwidth" is a word used to describe how much capacity a data channel has. Like any kind of pipe, only so much data can flow through a data channel at once. In the case of computer information, that data is encoded in bits, for example one character of ASCII text takes up about 32 bits. The more text your message contains, the more bandwidth your message takes as you post it. As someone who posts long messages, I'm going to make the effort to post smaller ones.
(1) When I have a lot to say, I'll try to use bullets and lists instead of long messages
(2) When I quote someone's post, I'll make an extra effort to quote only the few words I'm responding to
(3) Support WP by donating something, even a small, affordable amount of money
(4) I don't think that embedded images download from the WP server, but from where their link points to, so I'll try to use more pictures and fewer thousand words.
Support WP... but how?
Also, perhaps Alex had to put the server on a lower-bandwidth service option? There are falling ad revenues all over the place, and maybe he's not making enough with the ads to keep the server on a higher-bandwidth option.
I have a suggestion for WP. I just went looking for how to donate to support WP and can't find it. That should be an easy link that appears on the "My Account" page! So how exactly does one donate to WP?