I've thought about that a few times too.
Some aspies desire to socialize
Some aspies desire conversation without actually socializing
Some want to socialize on their time and not someone else's, like when they are in the mood
Some feel alienated (hence the name, wrong planet) and would like to talk to people they can relate to better
That's what this forum is. When I was a child not knowing what Aspergers was, I often felt like I was on the wrong planet or I reincarnated wrong like I was supposed to be a cat. It was just that I was so different from people, and I had no understanding of it. I grow up and find out that I could have Aspergers. I leave earth and all the earthlings one day and discovered a new planet called wrongplanet. And I knew I was home because for the first time in my life, I was not only able to socialize, but I could do so on my terms. I speak when I want to speak. Listen when I want to listen. I don't have to make eye contact. I can stop mid phrase to use the bathroom. I don't have to dress up. I am allowed to monologue. I can talk about anything I want to. I can ignore what I don't want to talk about. Best thing, even with all that, WPlings respond to me much better than earthlings. On top of it, the WPlings know my pain. They are the first to ever actually understand me, and they are also the first that I actually feel like I understand. Not even my own mother can do that.