timeisdead wrote:
carrots and asparagus.
You have just proved the subtle and very complex inference made through those particular keywords
that Human beings are not logical.
WHen I posted Bananas, I simply typed the first word that came into my head, completely unmeditated. It was an act of pure, unfettered chaos. then I realised that it proved my point.
Not only that, but your own reply was equally random, and I'm hope unmeditated as well proving that our minds are governed by the subconscious, not by logic.
If human beings were logical creatures, we would be able to use logic to predict what I was going to reply and counteract it. like wise, I did not predict that you would say carrots and asparagus, proving that I am not logical either. I also doubt that anyone readign this thread, save for a few cunning people, would've guessed what I said, and the hypothesis I am now putting forth.
this makes me feel that all human reasoning is subjective, and does not always follow a rigid pattern.
therefore, It is my belief that I am not logical, you are not logical, and the human race is not Logical.
Quod Erat Demonstrandum.