it seems like a good idea,anything that helps-harmlessly is good,has no one ever seen those vtech and leapfrog 'laptops' for children before?
they're similar,and have been going for years [especially vtech].
Also,regular 'laptops' aren't much more worthy of the name 'laptop' as they're unsuitable on laps because of the vents underneath.
As for THIS one, why couldn't they use a real laptop, perhaps that ugly one, and just have software.
that sounds a better idea,and there are quite a few 'child laptops' that do this,using windows ce [what the dreamcast used] or xp.
but,maybe it's to do with age and ability,it's common for autistics-especially children and those severely-profoundly affected,to have difficulty with understanding their hand is controlling the cursor and anything else on screen and some never gain the skill,it was probably easier to make a basic kiddy thing that than a proper notebook.
>severely autistic.
>>the residential autist;
blogging from the view of an ex institutionalised autism/ID activist now in community care.
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