Most of those in positions of authority are not being helpful. In fact, they want to see us oppressed although would undoubtedly never admit to it.
People in high places choose--mainly for purposes of job security--to invalidate what we say and who we are. They have a vested interest in the STATUS QUO or they wouldn't be holding powerful positions within that status quo. It is they who could help or heal if they chose to do so. But primarily they seek to oppress or possibly eliminate us. What they do not want is accessibility for us. So they block our efforts by making sure no autistics are in positions of power and influence. This is how the status quo works to defeat our empowerment and ability to obtain the services we require. However the demands for accessibility are getting difficult to sweep under the carpet's unbelievable when they say they don't hear the autistic masses screaming for help..
Unfortunately the status quo has seen us as a threat for several decades. Hopefully that is changing, but if so, it is a painfully slow transition. And that transition needs to be catalyzed, quickened. If we are being rebirthed, we certainly don't want to die during a painful ordeal that, in some ways, doesn't look at all promising. The status quo funds science which in turn is paid to propose ways autistics could be detected and aborted in the womb. Genocide? Well, too early to get paranoid....but it is a distinct possibility.
Watch out for those in high places, those who benefit from the status quo. They aren't likely to be our allies or to advocate on our behalf. Although the exceptions.... if there are any....may well be risking their job in order to help us. Whatever small assistance they choose to render--it would be wise if we gratefully receive it rather than exploit their good intentions. Basically we need to self-advocate, at a grass roots level, in order to achieve the freedom and respect to which we are entitled.
"The key here is educating the allies we get from the 'more able' sector, that what applies to the 'more able', in terms of rights, equity, and respect, applies to all of us." [Phil Schwarz]
Hope this link is helpful. Best wishes in your endeavors. And thankyou for your action.