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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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27 Mar 2009, 11:51 pm

I've been debating whether I have Asperger's or not for a while. I know I have a lot of traits common with people here like; obsessing over different things, difficulty socializing, sensitivity, rocking, as well as other disorders like anxiety and bi-polar depression. I had made an appointment to see a psychiatris next checkup, but today when I talked to the school counselour she told me straight up I didn't have it because I picked up on social cues.
I'm really confused now. :(
Do I not have it because of this one thing? Do I somehow want to be diagnosed with AS? Am I just paranoid from all the research I've done on AS? :(

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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28 Mar 2009, 12:18 am

What does she mean 'pick up on social cues'. I've been diagnosed with Aspergers, Tourrettes, and ADHD, and I have never had a problem socializing. It mainly affects my organization and I can't stand still in the same spot for a few minutes straight. I unintentionally start walking around.

I say go for it.


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28 Mar 2009, 1:57 am

go and see a specialist in it.
The issue regarding social cues is one of the main factors actually.
However, it takes a specialist to go through the diagnostic process with you. I wouldn't be listening to a generalising school counsellor. My experience is people who are not speicalists in autism often tend towards an adhernce to stereotypical views of autism spectrum disorders.


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28 Mar 2009, 2:08 am

millie wrote:
go and see a specialist in it.
The issue regarding social cues is one of the main factors actually.
However, it takes a specialist to go through the diagnostic process with you. I wouldn't be listening to a generalising school counsellor. My experience is people who are not speicalists in autism often tend towards an adhernce to stereotypical views of autism spectrum disorders.

Yeah I was going to ask why he even had an AS diagnosis. The social functioning is pretty central. My social functioning can be broke down to only what the person tells me and even then I might "hear it wrong" and/or interpret it wrong. I do not pick up on tone of voice, social cues, or facial expressions.