Yeah, I have no problem doing so; my main stim is rocking. So, I've got a nice microfiber rocker recliner in my livingroom; I'll rock in the presence of friends; my closer friends know that I kind of need to rock, the rest I don't really mind. Depend on who it is, I may even be inclined to explicitly mention autism and stims and such; I'm more and more inclined to do that these days, as I seek for my friends and loved ones to understand me better. The recliner is known to be the only place I sit, so when I have friends over to do MST3k or something, they generally know not to sit in "my" chair, because I will eject them, sometimes quite rudely (which I usually apologize for and try to explain later).
Also, in meetings at work, the chairs kind of have a springy recline, and you can rock in them, and I do often, and thing little of doing so. But, on that part I must confess that the founder of my company is rather famous, and is known to be a rocker; and I will not hesitate to toss this out there if anybody gives me a hairy eyeball about it; though, admittedly, that rarely happens.
My LFA/MFA son is also an obsessive stimmer with rocking; he'll rock anywhere, and is rather oblivious to caring about it.
Good fortune,
- Icarus meditates while rocking...
Please forgive me if, in the heat of battle, I sometimes forget which side I'm on.