Sora wrote:
Read first.
The question:
Did you start talking in single words (e.g. "mama" "ball" "car") or skipped the single-words episode and started talking in sentences (e.g. "give ball" "the cat is dead") right away? Echolalia doesn't count.
So, I don't want to know that you moved on to talking in sentences eventually. I want to know whether your very first talking was in single words or in sentences.
If you said one or more sentences and then reverted to single words (that you didn't use previously) count that as 'started with sentences'.
My mother SWEARS I started with sentences, by 10 or 11 months. Given my early attitude with trying things, I can believe it.
She even told me a sentence that I said around age 14mo. It was 7 words(8 if you count contractions!). I guess I was more positive back then. I think I even remember that time. I was in the hospital for a hernia, and my mother said the nurses talked to me a lot and liked me.