gina-ghettoprincess wrote:
NT social rules exist online too...
I never knew that people get pissed off if you open up an old thread after 6 months or so. WHY?!
And if I never knew this, what else am I missing?!
The regulars of a group have read the thread and to them, its old rehash and stale, the dynamics and momentum of the topic is gone and perhaps the OP is no longer there to answer or defend. and they feel the newbies should recognize this instinctively. Interestingly, if I understand ToM right, its a "fail" on the regulars who get upset. Yes, the conversation is old, but to someone who has never seen it before, is it not brand new? Just to assume someone brand new will know instinctively that everyone else has talked about something to death (of topic) and the thread is stale, is a BIG assumption.
What I would like to see is a post being stale dated after 6 months, and just removed completely so no one can access it (it could be done, I am sure) . The conversation may be valid. However, what ticks someone off is to see the same old thing coming up (especially if they had a point of view that was fairly strong). Really, there are only so many things one *can* talk about on any given subject (before it wanders off and becomes something new and different from the original idea - one reason why I almost never answer something after 2 or 3 pages have been created on a subject, what I am thinking, most likely as been said, and the stream of thought has changed anyway), but if a new conversation was allowed to leap off on its own, instead of being resurrected with old ideas, maybe some new facet could be explored. Just putting it out there to all site designers as "food for thought"...
People think there are four elements to the world; fire, wind, water and earth. They are wrong. There is a 5th element - surprise. - paraphrasing of Terry Pratchett "The Truth"