I've been reading 'The Complete Guide To Asperger's Syndrome' by Tony Attwood, and in it he states that the more stressed, upset, anxious, depressed, ect.. that a person with AS may be the more they dive into their special interest. This is true for me. The more I stressed I feel about some negative situation/person/thought the more I'm on this computer swallowing hours of my day, only it feels like 1 or 2 hours. I get more excited about reading, and researching than anything else.
Of course, I have children, and I'm a stay at home mom, so i do have to tend to the kids, and the house. I do get things done, but I know that my house could be cleaner, my kids could have more of my attention, as well as my husband, who sadly seems to always be the last on my list. It's very hard for me to remember that he has to come before my special interests, or my marriage will dissolve. Balancing my life is a constant feeling of defeat for me. I always feel like I don't do enough 'regular' stuff for my family, because I'm so engrossed with my special interests, even though I've been reassured by others that I do.