Does your sound "build up" leading to confusion/ag
Do you experience confusion if someone is talking too fast? Do you need extra time to process if the topic requires thinking? Do you experience confusion leading to frustration or beyond if someone is talking and there are other stimuli, such as sounds, going on?
I am darned curious after reading this:
I can even get angry and have to tell the person to stop if they keep talking and talking and I'm over my limit for what I can understand at that moment. I have to catch up. I can get agitated to the point of hand-flapping and demanding that they to stop talking or I'll get up and walk away quickly because they won't stop.
Yet, that person's rate of speech and flow of ideas can be normal for others. I get overloaded.
Do you think it's because of the sound processing or speech processing? Or maybe other factors like trying to read signals and make eye contact at the same time? Or, added factors such as the person using lots of hand gesturing which creates too much movement in the visual field? These are just a few ideas.
What do you think?
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Well, I have SID and part of it is APD. I can't process speech all that well. Noticeably delay and weird processing though I have learnt to pretend.
But sounds?
I do wonderfully with most other sounds actually.
I can even hear single sounds before other people when I concentrate/am not distracted due to ADHD-ish reasons.
However, while I register them, I have varying difficulty to react to them or to react accurately to them. Which is like - there's a loud sudden and startling sound - I hear it, but I give no sign (and cannot say so) that I heard it. I will however react to it 2-5 seconds later than I heard it. There's certainly an issue with processing here for me too, but I hear them on time, it's only reaction that's not being processed accurately.
When I have no such problems, I'm often the first to react to the sight and the buzzing of green traffic lights.
I'm also quite good at following and analysing fast-beat melodies.
Autism + ADHD
The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it. Terry Pratchett
Yes, the delay I can understand. I need time to take in what I heard. Then it takes time to figure out what to say. This is especially a problem in group situations because by the time I've figured out what to say, the conversation is already on a new topic.
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