Xenzaka wrote:
Do you or anyone you know have an affinity for "repetitive" music. Or music that "seems repetitive", I say this because electronic dance music is repetitive in some aspects but the individual songs are usually made with an incredible amount of layers.
Yeah, definitely -- I love all this music. But, drum and bass in particular, which isn't represented by any of your examples. So, maybe you consider it different or something other than incredibly repetitive, which house/trance/techno/etc. definitely is?
Xenzaka wrote:
What are your thoughts, feelings about "repetitive" or "catchy" music? Music with repeating vocals (or highly repeated chorus) or electronic dance music with highly repeated notes?
It's extremely relaxing so long as I'm not already really agitated. Then, it can increase agitation levels.
Xenzaka wrote:
Is it annoying? Do you feel relaxed? Does it give you energy? Do you "think in different ways"? Do you "feel in different ways"? Does de-stress? Does activate the "day dreaming switch"? Do images in your mind appear clearer?
In addition to relaxing, this music can be very liberating mentally. Not sure why. It seems to kind of "release" my mind -- lets it out of the overly-detailed here and now.
Put the curse of loneliness on every boy and every girl,
Until everybody's kickin', everybody's scratchin',
Everything seems to fail ?
And it was all for the want of a nail.