Hah, not at all.
I'm 21, and a senior in college. I'm very much afraid of having to go off on my own next year (though luckily, my parents will help support me as I try to get off to a start in this).
People who know me well tell me that I have an "old soul." People who don't know me at all have the tendency to assume that I'm about 12. I'm short, look fairly young for my age, and am very quiet and meek in social situations. I also don't wear makeup or "dress my age."
Personally, I feel about 5 or 6 yrs old when I have to deal with other people. I feel like there is just something I'm not getting, but I only notice this after the interaction is over. Most of my social skills have come from instruction and advice from friends, parents, or my older cousin, and I don't think I've learned everything I should know by now.
I hope that I'll be able to find at least one person who just wants to play video games, watch anime and read comics like me, as opposed to go out drinking at pubs or whatever else 'adults' like to do.
I'm lucky enough to be at an art school, where there are plenty of geeks like me (in the illustration department). I have plenty of friends who like anime and comics, and play video games. I also love animals, and I've got a few other friends who do as well. Some of these friends also go out drinking and dancing, I just usually sit those events out, they understand that I'm just not that type of person.
I suggest that once you get to school, you try to be as open as possible with other people, to make friends right off, because this is always easier than waiting until everyone has already formed their own little cliques. You should also try joining clubs that you're interested in (like, if there is an anime club, join up and meet people there!).