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Top picture, hand fliping hair, finger pointing at lips, says, Im a Hottie, this had better be about my sex.
Middle picture, woman who just picked something out of her nose and is looking at it.
Bottom picture, a confused child who does not like the roles she is being taught in school.
She is thinking the Lisa Simpson mantra, "Ten more years, just ten more years."
It shows the hoplessness of childhood, no matter how much she tries, to get an education, become a person, she is doomed to becoming an adult.
The shirt is to show that all adults are child abusers, and gross.
No child would ever chose to be confined in a room with many other childern, and some power mad ruler of the Third Grade.
The sun is shining, the grass is growing, there are zoos, museums, forests, mountains, the beach, but children are kept in cages.
The overall message is, I could of had a real life.