I got diagnosed with avoidant personality disorder before recieving my Aspergers diagnosis. I think this happened because my psychologist wasn't familiar with Aspergers, so she was just trying to treat me for seperate symptoms I had, instead of looking for the root of the problem.
When you have Aspergers, social interactions almost always to turn out badly, and eye contact is uncomfortable, so you tend to avoid people. Not having many friends is just part of that. For a psychologist who doesn't understand this reason, it might just look like you have an avoidant personality.
I ended up being prescribed Zoloft, but I told my doctor I didn't want to take it. Her reply was, "well, maybe you have Aspergers, and maybe you don't, but I don't have a pill for Aspergers, and I do have a pill for social anxiety." Horrible! After that, I searched out a doctor who was more familiar with Aspergers, and he gave me a real diagnosis.
Sometimes life seems like a dream, especially when I look down and see that I forgot to put on my pants.