I only did one general IQ test. I hated the questions where you have to guess the next number in a series, I just couldn't be bothered with those so I skipped them all except for the easy ones. I might have been able to work them out if I''d got into the ideas and taken the trouble, but I just felt annoyed at them. I have an attittude against complicated numbers sometimes, though I love the simpler ones. And I was at work and didn't have much time. When I finished, the result was that I'd got a very good IQ and it said I'd finished the test very quickly which was good - of course it was quick because I'd ducked out on all the questions that would have taken much time. I don't believe the result and can't even remember what it was except that it was supposed to be good. I suspected they tried to flatter me so they could sell me stuff, but I didn't give them the chance.
I only did the test because I wanted to find out whether my verbal intelligence was better than my nonverbal intelligence, to see if I had high functioning autism or AS. The verbal intelligence came out very well and I enjoyed doing that. I couldn't find a nonverbal IQ test so I had to settle for a general IQ test. Maybe I just have poor nonverbal intelligence and hate complicated number puzzles because of that, but I get the impression that it's my dislike of them that makes me bad at them. I suppose if I read a book about how to solve those things, I could get a lot better, but I think it's nerdy - it's very bad of me to think that and I try not to judge other people for loving those things, but it's just the way I am. I just don't see the point, they seem to have nothing to do with any abilities that anybody would need in real life.
I also don't think IQ tests measure anything useful, they're just to create an artificial competition so they can label some people as losers. If my scores were low then it could be sour grapes, but they're not low. I don't want to be a winner on something so irrelevent and trumped up.
Sorry I've ranted a bit and not really on topic. Just ignore it if you don't think it's interesting.