Filip wrote:
I also have an inner voice and an internal dialogue, but not with several voices and I don't talk to myself aloud. But it is a question that bothers me. Do NT's also have internal dialogs? For me, it's also a preparation for future conversations. For example, when I must ask something to my boss, I have an internal dialogue hours in advance asking myself how I must something to say. And most of the times, I replay the conversation also hours and days after in my mind. Is that common for NT's also?
Filip, my partner scores like this on the Aspie Quiz:
Your Aspie score: 39 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 176 of 200
i.e., she's very NT! She says she does the same thing in terms of having internal dialogues as preparation, as well as replaying conversations afterwards. Apparently her internal 'monkey chatter' is almost incessant unless she's sound asleep. However, she doesn't ever talk aloud to herself.
For me, I definitely have internal dialogues, but this often spills over into talking to myself. There are never several voices involved, but I have been known to mentally chide myself or tell myself to shut up...I even do that aloud sometimes
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