how many freinds do people have ? nt or aspie

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Emu Egg
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22 Apr 2009, 6:09 am

i have at the minet almost only nt frinds and while it is hard bieng with them some times it is also good couse one of them like to read with me and we are silent one likes to bike ride and thats fairly quite and the outher has an extream intrest in fishing allthough he also has ADD and OCD at the same time so we understand one another a litle bit beter ! though the one who likes to read is also my most trusted nt freind as he is able to listen and talk to me how i nned peaple to and he also knows when i want talk and when i dont .......

any one elso how has nt freinds ?

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22 Apr 2009, 6:23 am

I don't have any at the moment.

Interestingly, many people (OK, 3, but it's a lot to me) that I have gotten along with have had ADHD. One of my past friends was quite eccentric and had dissociative episodes. My childhood friend was a little aspie-like, very smart and fun, but I think she was an NT anyways. She's an exception to the rule that my sane-NT friendships are doomed to be disasters. :hmph:



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22 Apr 2009, 6:28 am

My mother is my friend, so I guess that makes 1. My niece and nephew aren't really "friends", rather they're buddies that I sometimes look after.

My mother is "normal", and I get along with her quite well; I think it's because we have a similar personality.


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22 Apr 2009, 6:39 am

I don't see a whole lot of my friends, but I have a few really good friends that I see at gigs. I think maybe 3 or 4.
Usually when people want to hang out at my house I have no idea how to entertain them or when know when they'll leave. So, I prefer meeting up with people at certain places.

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22 Apr 2009, 7:29 am

In the true sense of friends, I have none. I have ones that might be seen as friends---ones I work with at school, but as far as what friendships usually involve---"0." There is a fellow musician that would be seen as a friend---but we talk to each other maybe once a year at the most---you call that a friend? I think it's more, "yeah, I know him, and we share some interests."

I consider my family members my friends. The most social contact I engage in (in a friendship type of way) would probably be here at the WrongPlanet.

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22 Apr 2009, 9:23 am

have many friends,they're all cats.
do not have human 'friends' beyond NAS support staff and a few residential home staff,and dont connect or interact with people well enough to get even close enough offline or online,to self humans are just another object.
online,the best am do is relate to some users well, so their posts stick out more to self.

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22 Apr 2009, 9:27 am

I have 4 close friends, 2 are autistic, 2 are NT.

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22 Apr 2009, 9:34 am

3 or 4, and they are all females. I just made a new one yesterday! :D

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22 Apr 2009, 10:01 am

I don't even know if I have friends or not. I'm mostly a loner but I do get a long with some people and some of them call me a "friend". I'll just say I have about 5-6 acquaintances, with a few of them who could be friends.


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22 Apr 2009, 10:18 am

I have three friends. This is a personal high-score.

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22 Apr 2009, 10:25 am

I have a good group of friends but only 2 friends that I can truly rely on. All of my friends in my group are NT none of them have any LD's or anything but they are all a bit weird. I find most people boring but I like my weird friends.



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22 Apr 2009, 10:29 am

I have 0 friends, one husband (mostly NT) who I guess is a friend too.


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22 Apr 2009, 10:43 am

Depends. I never go out with anyone who I'd say was a friend.
0 friends, about 12 or so acquaintances. I don't bother with friends, tbh, seeing as I tend to hang around a bunch of people who are really irrational.
I know two people with ADHD and I got a long really well with them, to the poster who commented about ADHD.
I have a lot of friend online though. Two are from here(Josh and Gina[idk if they'd call me a friend though]) and several from Spectrum Forums, but most of them are from various sites. I also think the first site I joined attracts Aspies. 3 members(not including me) have it, afaik, one has OCD as well. A lot are probably un-diagnosed aspies. Also, there's only 12 active members so... :P.
I use to be in a big group of NTs and have like, 10 friends, but I didn't enjoy spending time with them, so I stopped hanging around with them and began to read.
I might have one friend, but she just sits with me/hangs around with me when her friends abandon her.


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22 Apr 2009, 10:43 am

The friends I have & have had are all NT.


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22 Apr 2009, 11:45 am

Four close friends, two normal friends, one girl I don't talk to that much but care about (in a platonic way), and two girls I like who couldn't care less if I was born or not. :cry:

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22 Apr 2009, 12:01 pm

Homer_Bob wrote:
I don't even know if I have friends or not. I'm mostly a loner but I do get a long with some people and some of them call me a "friend". I'll just say I have about 5-6 acquaintances, with a few of them who could be friends.

I can relate to this. At school I had a few schoolmates and nowadays at work I have colleagues with whom I can get along, but I don't have the need to meet then outside my work. The social interaction at work is more then enough. So, I must rather call them acquaintances then friends. Outside works, I'm also mostly a loner and in fact, I like that.