Good question!
For me, it starts with being thrilled by something I'm accidentally exposed to (a picture, a movie, an idea, a book, etc.).
Second, intense research.
Third, developing a plan to be able to increase exposure.
Fourth, using all my free time to engage in that interest.
Fifth, allocating regular resources (money, time, energy).
Finally, it becomes a lifestyle. I love having a lifestyle!
Few interests develop into special interests, and only one or two special interests develop into a lifestyle that lasts a few years. Past lifestyles sometimes remain as special interests that co-exist with the current lifestyle. Some past special interests die so totally that I even wonder how come I was consumed by them in the past. But they certainly were the eggs from which ensuing special interests came to life.
So-called white lies are like fake jewelry. Adorn yourself with them if you must, but expect to look cheap to a connoisseur.