lostinparadise wrote:
spread rumours about them.learn from their strategy.
I disagree with this strategy, if you spread rumours around, surely you're being as bad as them and stooping to their level?
I agree with observing others though to keep a check in case things do get out of hand.
It's just not me to spread rumours about other people.
If someone does say something nasty about me I either ignore them or say:
"Oh that's interesting." and move on.
In my experience, most decent socially competent people are well brought up enough not to spread rumours.
They realise sensibly that it doesn't do anyone any good and is a waste of time that could be better spent doing other more productive things.
I believe that I must be selectively mute or whatever. I still had to force myself to talk when required though, even when it was tough.
It's funny, but in my house, the pace of communication is much more relaxed and interactions are far less social than in the outside world. Perhaps, those that are selectively mute have shy parents themselves or feel uncomfortable in social situations that they're not used to because they haven't had the relevant social experience or the kind of disposition that functions well in overcrowded social settings.
Just a hunch, but I believe that some people just simply aren't built for intense, prolonged, crowded social interactions. Mutism may be their only means of coping if the surrounding social environment is "out of their depths". Perhaps if there wasn't such a strong expectation to be social, these people would be happier.