How much more prone and how much greater risk?

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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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23 Apr 2009, 8:59 pm

I hear all these reports that say people with Aspergers are more prone at greater risk for depression and anxiety but they don't refer who they're comparing. I understand that pretty much they're comparing anyone who doesn't have AS but does that mean we are really at more risk of these things than all other people in the world. Like are we at more risk than people who are bipolar and depression runs in their nature or people who are social but just had sh***y lives for one reason or another? What are they really comparing us to? The statistic also said we are more at risk for suicide. Once again is that compared to the entire rest of population? Because knowledge of that statistic alone is depressing enough as is. Just curious

Xfractor Card #351
Xfractor Card #351

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23 Apr 2009, 9:07 pm

i think what they are saying is that if you are bullyied your whole life and cant make any friends, more more than likely going to feel bumed out. i also hate studys, im so sick of hearing about them


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23 Apr 2009, 9:18 pm

Unless specified, I would interpret "greater risk" as greater than that of the "general population". The general population is everyone, including those with AS.

People with bi-polar mood disorder, by definition suffer from depression. The bi-polar refers to experiencing the two "polar extremes" of depression and mania. If a person is bi-polar then they experience depression.