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Do you forget to eat?
yes 67%  67%  [ 12 ]
no 33%  33%  [ 6 ]
Total votes : 18

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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23 Apr 2009, 7:25 pm


Just started my diagnosis and my physc is a totall f*****g b*tch. she wants me to have councelling for stuff that happened like 12 years ago. and symtoms started wen i was very young before that happpend she trying to get out of getting funding on the nhs for me. sh says i have a personality disorder and anxiaty i also have social phobia dont we all.

ok heres what i think:-

No freinds
limeted intrests
poor social skills
being mistake for drunk or on drugs
like certain colour cloths black all the way
dispraxia- poor coordination
i walk head over heals people think im gay
eat certain food and get annoyed if i dont cook in a certian way, eat foods i ate as a kid and still eat to this day stuff like hot dogs, meatballs
facinated by patterns in mumbers
have iq 134
heavily bullied at school
Like being alone more and more recently
go on about stuff even if people arnt intrested
and i cant hold down a job i have poor concentration unless its an intrest of mine

thats all for now

Sorry for punctuation and grammer im very sleepy

Xfractor Card #351
Xfractor Card #351

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23 Apr 2009, 9:04 pm

i forget to eat all the time. :lol:
lets trade iq's. yours is hotter


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23 Apr 2009, 9:21 pm

I forget to eat when I am absorbed into something that I like.

Crazy Bird Lady!! !
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FINALLY diagnosed with ASD 2/6/2020


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23 Apr 2009, 9:31 pm

I go several days of barely eating or skipping meals and then maybe some days of eating a lot. But I'm over 50 and super healthy, my doc says.

23 Apr 2009, 10:02 pm

I forget to eat because I'm lazy and I have an eating disorder. Not aspie related.


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23 Apr 2009, 10:15 pm

That's bad luck about the psych(-iatrist? -ologist? -opath? I get them mixed up). It seems the quality of the professional you get is a matter of fortune.

I wish I'd forgotten to eat today. I had some meat mush and it was awful.

I usually remember to have tea (early evening meal, not hot drink), but forget about lunch and breakfast.


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23 Apr 2009, 11:29 pm

Spokane_Girl wrote:
I forget to eat because I'm lazy and I have an eating disorder. Not aspie related.

Same here. I once tried 'intuitively eating'- trying to listen to my body's signals on when to eat. That plan fell through when I realized I could go upwards of 10 hours before my body alerted me.

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