Are Healthcare Professionals in over their Heads?

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Percentage of Counselors who are incompetent, posing, predators or just in over their heads?
100% 11%  11%  [ 3 ]
75% 41%  41%  [ 11 ]
50% 26%  26%  [ 7 ]
25% 22%  22%  [ 6 ]
They All seem to Understand Just Fine. 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Total votes : 27


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19 Nov 2011, 12:00 am

I have become able to recognize, perceive predatory behavior exhibited by healthcare industry (mental healthcare specifically) professionals who I conceive are ambitious business types who identify as counselors (Just as some Ph.d's pose as University Professors) but don't posses the gestalt knowledge base that is appropriate for one who charges to treat developmental disabilities and mental illness.

After perceiving them as clueless, I conceive them as greedy, jaded, uninformed, careless, naive and/or lacking the will to win. I could not tell this until I accepted my diagnosis.

Are healthcare professionals in over their heads? :?:


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19 Nov 2011, 12:31 am

CrayzeeL3ggz wrote:
I have become able to recognize, perceive predatory behavior exhibited by healthcare industry (mental healthcare specifically) professionals who I conceive are ambitious business types who identify as counselors (Just as some Ph.d's pose as University Professors) but don't posses the gestalt knowledge base that is appropriate for one who charges to treat developmental disabilities and mental illness.

After perceiving them as clueless, I conceive them as greedy, jaded, uninformed, careless, naive and/or lacking the will to win. I could not tell this until I accepted my diagnosis.

Are healthcare professionals in over their heads? :?:

Where i live its DEFINITELY 100%......

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19 Nov 2011, 1:29 am

Surely those ones with PHD's must have an idea, but the one(s) i was with were pretty much how you describe, I kinda picked up on it and started manipulating them a little... I get mean when people annoy me. I put 75%.

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19 Nov 2011, 2:59 am

i guess i've been lucky in that they've never been anything but helpful to me, in that they were about the only humans that would at least pretend to listen to anything i had to say without judging me negatively as a matter of course.


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19 Nov 2011, 4:18 pm

I've seen three in my lifetime and not one I found helpful. I think they are just nosey. But I understand what you mean about them being business orientated. They come up with gimics like CBT and make money from it.


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19 Nov 2011, 5:02 pm

Time is money

That attitude is the main problem, people are not goods and services, but in the medical field, they are.

The other consideration is that they are taught at medical schools, usually funded by drug companies, or other organisations that must follow procedures laid down for them, by higher ups.

Management trains them poorly

However, I have some good ones, 75%


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19 Nov 2011, 7:11 pm

The majority seem quite good, though many don't understand me (I don't blame them because I'm very unusual). Certainly not 'predatory' by any sense of the word.


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19 Nov 2011, 7:30 pm

A lot of people with MD are in it for the money, often pushed by MD parents, even though they'd like to be something else. People with PhD tend to be more genuine, interested in their field and more knowledgeable, and they often take a lot more time to get their degree and are involved in research during their studies.


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20 Nov 2011, 6:41 am

At least in the USA, medicine is a racket focused more on treating symptoms than curing disease.

One Jewish man I know who studied medicine in the USA went back to Israel to practice. He openly stated that all he'd every be allowed to do is be a glorified pill-pusher in the USA where in Israel he'd be allowed to practice real medicine as he saw fit...not as the drug companies see fit.

As it's so expensive to get into the medical profession, doctors don't have much choice. If they don't bring in the money, they go bankrupt. :(


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20 Nov 2011, 7:13 am

I've only met two, both good.

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20 Nov 2011, 1:16 pm

I think they specialize, and you have to find one that is good in the area you need help in. I have heard of counselors telling patients that they don't believe depression exists...not so helpful to the depressed.


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21 Nov 2011, 2:05 am

A lot of doctors seem to be in the business to appease their own egos, not to help others.
Ive had doctors refuse to help me before for reasons they made up, that should never be allowed - but its common when a doctor realizes he's in over his head.
More than a few seemed far more interested in charging double-rates for consultation fees for lawsuits after giving bad advice leading to job loss than in trying to help.
I even had a university research teaching doctor try to use me to show his students "how to intimidate a patient into not coming back" - shame the moron explained this to them right outside of the exam room, well within my earshot.

There are good doctors out there - at least the kind who can listen and actually want to help... But they are the minority by far.
Most doctors are more like "script-kiddies" - if you have a standard common problem, they can follow a procedure to deal with it - usually with a bunch of needless tests and prescriptions. If your problem isnt on their script, you're screwed.
Ego seems a big giveaway to me, especially docs who cant admit theyre wrong, or in over their heads - which is most of the doctors ive seen.


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21 Nov 2011, 5:26 am

If your healthy and well
there is no profit!! !! !! !! !!