Well it's kind of funny because believe it or not, I live in a place where rudeness and lack of concern for other's feelings is the norm so there isn't a lot of room for error when the place you live isn't that civil to begin with. People are really rude here. I don't beat myself up for making mistakes I mostly moan about how I wish things were different and I lived in civilization, where people had a basic understanding of what is appropriate when it comes to dealing with others. I live in a place where the "norm" is, "say what you feel and to hell with everyone else" If you feel like calling someone a "stupid b***h" it's okay.
I think it's inaccurate to say people with AS are rude because they can't read social cues. I have AS and I know for a fact I am not nearly as rude and disrespectful as some of the people who live around here.
There are some things that everyone knows. Not subtle things. more like, things based on experience. Experience should tell everyone, "Hey don't accuse others without proof. Don't yell at people and call them rude names. Don't lie about them." Believe it or not, this is the norm mode of "socializing" where I live.
While wishing I were someplace more civilized, I simutaneously think I can be a better example to others. I can be stronger and more civilized than those around me. I stay silent and stoical most of the time.
Trouble is, so many people tell lies around here they will make up anything, accusing people. I can give you an example. We have this service that's provided by the city, they come and pick up big items that would be expensive to have hauled off so the city hauls them away once a year for free but we have to call and schedule a pick up and the waiting list is about a month or longer.
Used to be they didn't give a confirmation number but nowadays they do except I didn't know they did so I asked if they took tires and they said "no" and I hung up after I thought I scheduled them to pick up the rest of it. They already gave me a pick up date and time so I thought it was settled. It wasn't. The lady on the other line thought I didn't want to schedule because they didn't pick up tires but I wanted them to pick up the rest of it since I only had two tires.
So, I put all the stuff out by the curb before the date, something like two days before, like they tell us, and waited...nobody came to get it. I didn't know what the deal was and I didn't call to find out. So, the code officer comes to my house and asks why I got junk by my curb (it's against the oridances to have stuff in your yard unless it's going to be quickly hauled away) and I tell him I scheduled them to pick it up and he calls and they tell him I am not scheduled, period and I am thinking '?wtf I scheduled it, have a date written down and everything" and the CO accuses me of lying about the whole thing and I am like, "Whatever. I am not lying. They just didn't schedule me". But still, calling me a liar was rude and out of line since there was absolutely no lie involved. Period. Yes, my feelings were hurt.
So, somehow the CO finds out from the actual woman who talked to me that it was a misunderstanding. She thought I didn't want the pick up since I didn't get a confirmation number and I said I didn't even know about the confirmation numbers since there wasn't one the last times they picked stuff up. The whole thing was a misunderstanding and they were really nice about it, eventually. What annoyed me was him treating me like a total liar and was just making stuff up and maliciously putting junk on my curb for no reason but to make the neighborhood look like crap which was far from the case. I practically broke my back moving that stuff to the curb and definitely didn't do it for no reason but to junk up the curb. I wouldn't lift that heavy stuff just for that.
Anway, even though it did get resolved and they were nice about it, still doesn't help that they made an unfounded accusation before they find out the true story, that YES an appointment had been scheduled and it was all a big misunderstanding.
This is the kind of thing that drives me nuts about this place and it happens all the time here, it's a way of life. There's really no standard, no normalcy unless it's rudeness, delusion and paranoia or...something.
So no, I don't want to punish myself, I just end up thinking, "Where is civilization? Let me find it and move there". Life would be so much easier.