Zero has no identifiable color or texture or temperature....
One is black, smooth and shiny and is room temperature....
Two is light yellow, soft and fuzzy, and feels warm...
Three is red, hard and a little shiny like plastic...and feels hot.
Four is light blue, soft and fuzzy, and feels cool.
Five is bright green, hard and shiny...and feels hot..
Six is dark grey, very small...not shiny or dull really..reminds me of graphite...and it feels cool.
Seven is blood red and large, and even though it is hard, the surface looks sort of like liquid and it's reminds me of blood....
Eight is pale green, somewhat large, transparent, soft and feels like a cool breeze.
Nine is purple, large, and very shiny...but it's mercury....and cold.
The odd composite numbers have varying temperatures, but they usually feel cold, unless they are divisible by 5....even composite numbers are soft and fuzzy or fluffy and they don't have clearly defined edges or borders room temperature or cool...The colors of composite numbers depend on the intensity of the digits they are made up 3226 is sort of orange, and feels a little bit cool...the six is not a very intense it's color gets lost behind the intensity of the bright red three and the yellow two's.....the number 415 is teal and is sort of room temperature.....
Prime numbers are always hard, reflective and hot or warm....I get a weird feeling in my stomach when I recognise that a number is prime.....I don't care much for primes....maybe it's the randomness I don't like...or maybe it's just that I can't factor them and know about what they are made up of....
Anyway....I'm pretty good at math because I experience numbers differently. I need to don't use a calculator for multiplication, division, addition or subtraction, percentages and whatnot....but if the numbers are composed of many digits it takes me longer so sometimes a calculator can be helpful. I can do a lot of math in my head that most people can't....but I am by no means a mathematical savant.
I also have a talent for remembering long sequences of numbers. I always remember birthdays, phone numbers, zip codes, addresses....I know all my credit card numbers, my drivers licence family's and my fiance's social security numbers (and a few of his credit card driver's licence number...his driver's licence number...the VIN number of every car I've ever owned and he's every owned....and many of the VIN numbers of the cars I worked on when I was a mechanic....I know the raw material numbers of every raw material I've ever worked with as a formulation chemist....and the lot numbers of those raw materials....I can recognize a car I've seen before on a highway because of the licence plate number....
There are lots of numbers in my head...