You Have Been Slandered By This Reporter
"Could Boise teen's Asperger's explain arson?"
"But court records obtained by the Statesman reveal that the boy had been diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome, often described as a milder form of autism - and possibly offer one explanation for what police accuse the teen of doing."
I talked to this local reporter, Patrick Orr, and he is has no problem whatsoever with what he wrote and ignorant at hard it is to fight the negative sterotypes that people with Aspegers are more inclined to be violent.
Please take a minute or two and write this guy an email and tell him he is wrong:
[email protected]
Thats just because it was a violent individual. Not all of us are that way.
How to Know God Personally through Jesus Christ
Does God Exist? Here is proof he does. ... 2godMANp2w
That is BS and I, too, get mighty tired of hearing and seeing it. My aspie son just turned eighteen and the thought of him having to battle this BS the rest of his life in almost all areas of life infuriates me and makes me sick. He is not at all violent and never would be. In fact, sometimes, he's too sensitive for his own good, just like his mother.
The claims of hubby's ignorant FAAAS-worshipping ex-wife notwithstanding, he is not an aspie but is socially impaired in many ways (just like me), and he has a very, shall we say, unique and interesting perspective on the world and is extremely intelligent. He is not in the least violent and is also quite sensitive.
You can thank FAAAS and Autism Squeaks and similar hate groups for the perpetual promotion and perpetuation of this BS stereotype. And no offense, but southern and western states seem to be especially prone to believe this BS and to be immune to correction (I live in a western state, I know!! !)
Queen of the anti-FAAAS. FAAAS does NOT speak for me and many other families!!
Life is not about waiting out storms, but learning to dance in the rain-Anonymous
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I think the pressure worked. The link does not work
I am AUTISTIC - Always Unique, Totally Interesting, Straight Talking, Intelligently Conversational.
I am also the author of "Tech Tactics Money Saving Secrets" and "Tech Tactics Publishing and Production Secrets."
The claims of hubby's ignorant FAAAS-worshipping ex-wife notwithstanding, he is not an aspie but is socially impaired in many ways (just like me), and he has a very, shall we say, unique and interesting perspective on the world and is extremely intelligent. He is not in the least violent and is also quite sensitive.
You can thank FAAAS and Autism Squeaks and similar hate groups for the perpetual promotion and perpetuation of this BS stereotype. And no offense, but southern and western states seem to be especially prone to believe this BS and to be immune to correction (I live in a western state, I know!! !)
You are talking wild wild west where they are trying to make tobacco smoking illegal but legalize marijuanna in the same breath. Just being a little silly. Moved back east recently from Wyoming. Glad to be home. Miss the sunsets though.
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The link worked for me, unfortunately. Copy and paste.
I noticed the kid's name was Abramowski, while they're at it, maybe they could say he's a violent psycho because he's a Jew.
They murdered boys in Mississippi. They shot Medgar in the back.
Did you say that wasn't proper? Did you march out on the track?
You were quiet, just like mice. And now you say that we're not nice.
Well thank you buddy for your advice...
Just so you know what I'm finding out about Barbara Haskins, the PhD quote they got on the issue...
She ran for city council back in like 2007, and I don't know if she won but it didn't look like it.
Back in 2004, she testified in a rape case for the defense. ... JuryS.html
But Hamilton's expert witness, psychiatrist Barbara Haskins, testified that post traumatic stress syndrome can be brought on by a "perceived" trauma.
Further, she testified, Hylton's claim of drugging is unlikely.
While date rape drugs can cause amnesia and vomiting, Haskins testified, nausea usually occurs as the drug is wearing off, and not while the drug is exerting its mental effects. Statistics also suggest an alcohol blackout is a more likely explanation for Hylton's condition, Haskins said.
"One in four college students has an alcohol blackout," she testified. And of that number, she said, one in four has sexual activity during the blackout. "You definitely can engage in complex actions" while in a blackout, she said.
The jurors say Haskins' testimony was compelling-- and helped them form an opinion about what really happened to Hylton.
"We believe she believes she was raped," says Miller. The jury, Miller explains, decided Hylton "drank more alcohol than she meant to."
This is her case study linking Aspergers and Violence
And on arson, the article says...
Several case reports associated with arson and hfASD have also appeared in the psychiatric literature, and the contributory factors appear to vary in each case.10,51,56 Everall and Lecouteur56 described a 17-year-old, diagnosed with AD at age 10, who recurrently set fires to watch the flames, demonstrating a repetitive narrow interest leading to antisocial behavior. Barry-Walsh and Mullen51 reported three cases of arson in hfASDs. Two cases involved an absorbing interest in fire. In a third case, the perpetrator burned down a radio station whose signal prevented him from listening to his preferred channel. Murrie and colleagues10 also described a subject who committed arson after brooding for approximately a year about injustices he had suffered. He had been bullied as a child. His arson victims had no connection to his youthful tormentors. He felt that small details of the target homes reminded him of the homes of the children who had bullied him years before. He decided on arson for revenge after seeing a news report about an arson case. He had had no psychiatric diagnosis prior to his forensic evaluation. The perpetrator could not appreciate that his actions had no impact on those whom he wished to punish. He had focused on the parts rather than the whole: the home details rather than the lack of any relationship of the targeted homes to his tormentors.
The abstract for the study she bases the info on the overrepresentation… ... f_ipsecsha
Juvenile and young adult mentally disordered offenders: the role of child neuropsychiatric disorders
L Siponmaa, M Kristiansson, C Jonson, A Nyden, and C Gillberg
A retrospective study of the prevalence of child neuropsychiatric disorders was done involving pervasive developmental disorder (PDD), attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and Tourette syndrome in young offenders (15-22 years, n = 126) consecutively referred for presentencing forensic psychiatric investigation (FPI) in Stockholm, Sweden. Most offenders were referred for FPI because of serious offenses. Case report sheets were prepared, and retrospective neuropsychiatric DSM IV diagnoses were made by the first two authors. For best-estimated diagnoses, the case report sheets were then submitted to the fifth author, a child neuropsychiatrist with expertise in this area. Fifteen percent of the subjects had a definite diagnosis of ADHD, and another 15 percent had PDD, including 12 percent PDD not otherwise specified (NOS) and 3 percent Asperger syndrome. Autistic disorder was not found in any case. Tourette syndrome occurred in two percent of the cases. The rate of PDD is particularly striking. Neuropsychiatric diagnoses had been determined in the FPI in only a few cases. The contribution of constitutional problems to later criminal development may have been underestimated.
Arguments against this concept
Asperger’s Syndrome in Forensic Settings
Daniel C. Murrie, Janet I. Warren, Marianne Kristiansson, and Park E. Dietz
International Journal of Forensic Mental Health
2002, Vol. 1, No. 1, pages 59-70
referrals for forensic psychiatric assessment in
Stockholm, researchers found 3% of the young (age
15-22) sample met criteria for Asperger’s syndrome
(Siponmaa, Kristiansson, Jonsson, Nydén, &
Gillberg, 2001). However, it is unclear whether these
studies necessarily demonstrate a true association
between Asperger’s syndrome and violence (see Hall
& Bernal, 1995 for a critique). Given recent research
demonstrating a relationship between significant
mental illness and violence (Monahan et al., 2001),
such an association would not be surprising. Of
course, the vast majority of individuals with
Asperger’s syndrome (or any other mental disorder)
do not commit violent crimes. ... fb5fd1e561
Autism 2000; 4; 63
Patricia Howlin
Outcome in Adult Life for more Able Individuals with Autism or Asperger
as autistic when children. Prior to 1980 (when Wing, 1981 and
subsequently Frith, 1991 revived interest in Asperger’s writings) few
clinicians were aware of Asperger syndrome.
2 The hierarchical system employed by DSM-IV (American Psychiatric
Association, 1994) (so that a diagnosis of autism rules out a diagnosis
of Asperger syndrome and vice versa) gives rise to particular problems
for clinicians. Thus, diagnostic criteria for Asperger syndrome are frequently
used inconsistently (see Ghaziuddin et al., 1992; Klin et al.,
1995; Schopler and Mesibov, 1992; Szatmari, 1998). The label of
Asperger syndrome may be used for all cases who are of high IQ and
have good communication skills (regardless of early language development)
or the more general label of ‘high-functioning autism’ may be
used instead.
3 Research studies frequently fail to distinguish between autism and
Asperger syndrome in a consistent way. Some make the distinction on
the basis of current linguistic functioning (Ozonoff et al., 1991). Others
differentiate between subgroups on the basis of IQ (e.g. Rumsey et al.,
with autism or Asperger syndrome and any estimates must be treated
with caution because of problems of sampling and referral bias.
with autism, despite occasional and sometimes lurid media publicity suggesting
otherwise. ... logist.pdf
Asperger's Disorder: What It Is and What It Isn't
Beth A. Glasberg, PhD
The Douglass Developmental Disabilities Center and the Rutgers Autism Program
Rutgers University
been documented. Although Scragg and Shah's (1994) examination of the prevalence of Asperger's Disorder in a
secure hospital led them to surmise that individuals with Asperger's Disorder were over-represented in that setting,
later researchers have questioned this conclusion and instead attributed the identified prevalence rate to chance (Hall
& Bernal, 1995). The few case studies that describe a violent act committed by an individual with Asperger's Disorder
acknowledge that such behavior is not common among individuals with Asperger's Disorder (e.g., Kohn, Fahum,
Ratzoni, & Apter, 1998).
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I noticed the kid's name was Abramowski, while they're at it, maybe they could say he's a violent psycho because he's a Jew.
That is funny. I'm an Autie, (some say) a psycho, and to beat all, also a Jew. Hehe.
I am AUTISTIC - Always Unique, Totally Interesting, Straight Talking, Intelligently Conversational.
I am also the author of "Tech Tactics Money Saving Secrets" and "Tech Tactics Publishing and Production Secrets."
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I tried it again. This time it loaded. I stand corrected.
I am AUTISTIC - Always Unique, Totally Interesting, Straight Talking, Intelligently Conversational.
I am also the author of "Tech Tactics Money Saving Secrets" and "Tech Tactics Publishing and Production Secrets."