How many people actually use the chat?

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30 Dec 2004, 10:04 pm

I don't see too many people active in the chat room.


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30 Dec 2004, 10:07 pm

I haven't, I have gone to other servers on IRC with autistic/aspie-related channels.


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30 Dec 2004, 10:48 pm

If you want to talk to people in a chatroom, set up a time with people from the board to have a chat everyday. I think the problem is that most people at don't have the time to talk in a chatroom for extended periods of time so if you want to chat for a short period of time, your best option is to set a time with other people. I have a screen ssh connection which I use for irc so I'm always in there, although I probably won't respond for a while. I can see that people do use the chatroom because there are conversations, but you have to know when to come in.

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31 Dec 2004, 7:09 am

I'm not sure I am connecting properly ~ everytime I try there is never anyone at all chatting!


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31 Dec 2004, 8:27 am

I couldn't enter it from this site at all.
It was some kind of chat window that didn't work.

I just connected through MIRC then looked up the server&channel that was listed here.


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31 Dec 2004, 2:44 pm

Is that where I am going wrong I wonder!


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31 Dec 2004, 7:36 pm

i've been in there a few times, never anyone there, so I don't bother going there anymore.

Sea Gull
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09 Jan 2005, 7:03 pm

I've been there on a few occasions... however, I'm typically on starlink-irc #asperger a bit more often.

Pileated woodpecker
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09 Jan 2005, 9:46 pm

it doesnt work for me. its something i'd like to use though

Sea Gull
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10 Jan 2005, 12:42 am

car_crash wrote:
it doesnt work for me. its something i'd like to use though

If you have an IRC client such as MIRC or Xchat, you can connect to #wrongplanet on

Some IRC programs will automatically launch if you follow this link:


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06 Jan 2006, 8:51 am

More people go there these days but there is still some times where no one talks for ages. I prefer the chat rooms to the forums.

Sea Gull
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06 Jan 2006, 8:59 am

I was there for the first time two nights ago and there seemed to be several people active. It was late evening in Western Europe, so say dinnertime East Coast USA. Some people came and went and the discussion moved around to all kinds of topics, from annual vs. perennial plants to weather to uninhabited regions of the world to language (well, I was there, so language had to come up at some point :-) ).

I will definitely go back again. I generally hate chat kinds of things, but I enjoyed this one. It was nice to have real-time interaction with folks whose posts I've read.


Pileated woodpecker
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06 Jan 2006, 9:36 am

I have spend a lot of time in the WP chat room the last couple of days/week.

Sometimes I think it is really great, and sometimes I think what the f%^& am i doing here? I also do not like chatrooms in general btw, the worldplanet chat is the first one I like.

It is no big deal, but what irritates me a bit is that a lot of people seem to be there, while they are actually not. I would prefer that inactive user would be kicked (logged out automaticly) or something after a certain amout of time. So no unlimited session time.


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06 Jan 2006, 9:59 am

Well you think WP is bad you should see ##linux or #gentoo. In ##linux there is always more than 400 people and only about 3 or 4 ever talk and in #gentoo there is always over 800 people some times more than 900 and the whole room is mute most of the time hardly any one ever talks there.


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06 Jan 2006, 4:38 pm

I've seem to have problems getting in to the chatroom.


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06 Jan 2006, 6:49 pm

omega wrote:
I have spend a lot of time in the WP chat room the last couple of days/week.

Hello, Omega! I would have said hi earlier because I recognised you from the chat room, but I didn't make the connection between it and the forums. Well, anyways...

I'm sometimes in the chat room, though I like the forums better because then I can post slightly longer messages and think about what I'm going to say before I say it. And, being a perfectionist, I can also edit for spelling and grammatical errors before I post on the forums. :)

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