finally got official diagnosis of Aspergers

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12 May 2009, 12:46 am

It took 34 years, but at least I now know why I am the way I am, and why I just don't seem to fit in anywhere. Finally an answer to something.


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12 May 2009, 1:07 am


Blue Jay
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12 May 2009, 1:16 am

I'm glad you got the answers you were looking for! I'm 34 this year & I just got an official AS diagnosis last Friday, so I can relate. It sure felt like a long time to have to stumble through life wondering why I didn't belong. I've always felt like I was outside in the cold looking through a window onto people relating cosily & comfortably in the glow of their connectedness. At least we can now, hopefully, move forward knowing who we are & what works for us. After decades of being very hard on myself, I've resolved to start to accept, and maybe even learn to love, who I am.

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12 May 2009, 2:27 am

Good for you FrogGirl!

Hurray for sense making answers and a chance to comprehend oneself and one's experience.


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12 May 2009, 2:30 am


Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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12 May 2009, 5:08 am

I am happy for you, I think everyone needs to understand themselves to truly love themselves. ^_^.

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12 May 2009, 8:18 am

Congratulations, FrogGirl!! !

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12 May 2009, 8:31 am

Hello FrogGirl! Congratulations to your diagnosis and the confirmation of having the "right to be yourself"! I hope you can easily cope with life and accept that things in your life is as it is.
How do you feel around it and how do you accept it in your life? a relief, overwhelming, expected? something else, share if you wish.
I got my diagnosis at the age of 25 and it took me some years before I found the true myslelf in the criterias


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12 May 2009, 11:18 am

Congratulations on the diagnosis! :D

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12 May 2009, 4:53 pm

I have know that I have aspergers for about a year now, but it was officially diagnosed about a week ago. It answers many questions about my difficult and lonely past and present. I'm not faulty or a defect, I'm just different becasue I am wired differently. At times I wonder if I should still even try to "fit in"(be accepted) by the "normals" (NT). Or would I be like a fish trying to live out of water? I now can see why I fully realte to my son with aspergers( he was orignially diagnosed with pdd/nos at 3). Before then, I had never head of aspergers, only autism. After he was dianosed, I started to research it online, and I started to recognize alot of what I read explained alot about me and my childhood(as many of you know, there is very little in the way of info for adults). All I know is it is time to move forward with my life, which is why I wanted to get an official diagnosis.


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12 May 2009, 7:25 pm

I still don't have an official diagnosis. Since there's no treatment available once I have the diagnosis, I can't see the point of putting the time and money to going to various doctors and tests to get it done.


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12 May 2009, 10:54 pm

Congratulations! Validation is so important. I would love to have an "official" diagnosis! I know it's probably one of very few conditions that is acceptable to more or less diagnosis yourself, but still... it's the whole validation thing that means so much.