i don't know which category I fall into, and I'm new to this place, but one thing I've been complaining about most of my life about most people in general (I guess you'd call them NTs) is that their conversations usually average on a 3rd grade reading level or a less than normal IQ, especially in arguments. For me, I have such a broad range of interests that I will find something in any topic that I am knowledgeable about and can enjoy talking about, but most people aren't interested in listening in general anyway. Usually they enjoy most talking with someone who doesn't say much and asks a lot of questions. If they are the quiet type, they usually don't like the silence interrupted unless there is a good reason. Even worse, if you are stupid enough to volunteer information, like in a workplace, they always find a way to use it against you in the future. For whatever reason, I have a hard time keeping things short, to the point, and shutting up, and that's usually what most people hate about me or thing odd of me. I will say the easiest way to recognize this problem I have is listening to my conversation like it's a movie or play (like record a conversation and listen later), and then I realized that I'm one big monologue rather than dialogue, or I don't say anything at all. But, I find pleasure in talking to two people I found on this earth. My husband is one because he can actually ignore me without my notice, so I think he's listening until I realize later and get upset, but for that moment, I really think he's listening, so it's cool. Then, my friend will actually listen to me and not argue with me about it, so I have my selfish conversations with her, and try to have enough so that all my other conversations are selfless or get the job done oriented (like calling the cell phone company with a question about my bill). I do have moments where I will talk the ear off of the bill collector, but they get paid to listen, so I don't mind putting them through that. The cool thing about the bill collector is that you can talk about anything you want, and if you are really lucky, they'll argue with you too so then you can let off some steam or have some fun. I do agree that most people will tell me my conversational skills suck like they are masters of conversation.